Plan a Years’ Worth of Content (in less than an hour)
It’s that time of year.
It’s time to put together your content and promotional calendar for the upcoming year.
This year, I put together my yearly content plan and promotional calendar in less than an hour and I want to share my super simple process with you!
Behind the Scenes of a High Converting Online Course Sales Funnel
Your online course sales funnel is not a one size fits all. And there are many different types of sales funnels you can use to sell your online course.
I have a sales funnel that runs on automation in my business. This allows me to sell my Facebook and Instagram ads consulting service on autopilot.
Explode your Website Traffic Using Pinterest and Tailwind Communities
Is anyone seeing your content? If you’re a dedicated online course creator, you’re probably blogging, podcasting, or creating a video at least once per week.
In this post, I’m going to talk about Tailwind Communities and Pinterest and how I’ve used Tailwind to grow my website traffic and my online course business.
5 Incredibly Useful Podcasts (for online business owners)
There’s so much information to learn (and learn quickly) when growing your online course business.
When I first started, I wish there was someone who would just give it to me straight rather than making it seem as if it were so easy that my 80-year old grandmother could do it.
While it’s great to have content you can sit and read to learn about creating and marketing an online course, you need an option to learn on the go.
Grow Your Email List With Facebook Ads (using a tripwire to help fund ad cost)
What if you were able to add new subscribers to your email list every day without any money out of your pocket? And I’m not talking through organic social media because we all know that is a slooooow game.
Read to learn how to create a sales funnel that pays for itself.
How to Plan Your Social Media (for your next online course launch)
Follow this step by-step process to prepare your social media strategy for your next online course launch; making it easy for you to attract and connect with your online course prospects.
Expand Your Visibility So You Can Grow Your Audience for Your Online Course
One of the best ways to promote you and your online course business is through public relations (PR). And best of all, it's FREE!
Lucky for you, gone are the days when you need to dig deep into your pockets and hire a high-priced PR agency to help your business get exposure. If you know what do to, you can do it yourself.
Here are five tips on how to expand your visibility so you can grow your audience for your online course.
How to Find the Sweet Spot for Pricing Your Online Course
The #1 question I am asked: How should I price my online course. I get it. Pricing your online course is HARD! Even for the Fortune 10 firms.
You don’t want to overprice because you believe this would keep potential students from enrolling. On the other hand, you want to be sure to charge what your online course is worth.
3 Steps to Overcome the Fear of Launching your Online Course
I’ve had so many entrepreneurs come to me after they’ve bought course after course and program after program, but NEVER launched their online course into the market. Others had launched their course once or twice but didn’t get the results they wanted and scared to take the next step.
After speaking with these entrepreneurs, I found that there were several mindset blocks holding them back.