Explode your Website Traffic Using Pinterest and Tailwind Communities

Explode your Website Traffic Using Pinterest and Tailwind Communities

Is anyone seeing your content? If you’re a dedicated online course creator, you’re probably blogging, podcasting, or creating a video at least once per week.

When you drive quality traffic to your website, your main goal is to convert your website visitor to an email subscriber. 

In addition, with this quality traffic, you’re seasoning your Facebook pixel and Pinterest tag so you can retarget that warm traffic, in the future, with paid advertising.

Retargeting ads are posts that are served to warm traffic (aka your website traffic) and are cheaper in most cases. than ads to cold traffic.

Website visitors = email subscribers

Website visitors = warm traffic

All good reasons to drive quality traffic to your website. Right?

Pinterest is one of the main drivers of organic traffic to my website. And my secret sauce?

Tailwind Communities

In this post, I’m going to talk about Tailwind Communities and how I’ve used Tailwind to grow my website traffic and my online course business.

Update: It’s important to note that Tailwind communities were previously called Tribes, so you may see that reference throughout this post.

What is Tailwind?

Tailwind is an app where you can schedule content for your Pinterest and Instagram accounts. I solely use Tailwind for Pinterest and that is what I will focus on in this post.

For around $15 per month, you can join Tailwind and five different communities so you can expand the reach of your content.

In my Google analytics account, it shows that around 35% of my traffic comes from Pinterest and I can contribute the majority of that traffic to the Tailwind communities.

What Are Tailwind Communities?

The real value in using Tailwind are the Tailwind communities. Communities function similar to Pinterest group boards where you pin the content of the other pinners on the board and, in turn, they share your content.

However, unlike the group boards, there is an accountability feature, so you know who’s following the rules of the community and who isn’t.

And you can get removed from a community if you aren’t following the rules.

As an example, below is a list of some communities that I’m currently a member in.

Search for your communities

It’s important to note how these communities work. The community leader makes the rules for his/her community, which generally is related to the type of content you’re allowed to share and the number of pins you can upload to the community in relation to the ones you share from your community members.

For example, a typical rule is for every 1 of your pins that you share, you have to pin at least 1 other pin from your community members.

As an example, here are the rules for one of the communities:

Digital Marketing Community

How to Find Tailwind Communities to Join

After setting up your Tailwind account , just click on Find a Community in your Tailwind app and then select your category or search via keywords to find communities in your niche.

Find a community

Let’s assume that you have a yoga course or membership and want to join like minded communities to help share your content.

You can go to the Health and Fitness category and underneath you will see various topics that this niche covers. Click on Yoga.

Popular communities

This will bring up all of the Tailwind communities that list yoga as one of their topic areas. Here, you can check out the community rules, preview the community see how many members are in the community, and get a feel for how active the community is.

When you preview the community, you're looking for the content being shared. Is it related to the content you want to share? Is the community active? Does it have a large number of members?

A green button means that the community is open and anyone can join. If you see a community that has a blue button, you have to request to join the community.

Example communities

Your Tailwind account provides membership into five community. Research the communities carefully before selecting the ones that you think would be good for your business.

For instance, it may not be worth your time to join a community that has just a few members and low activity. I recommend that you consider communities with a 100 members or more and at least four bars on the community activity.

How to Share Your Community’s Content

Now that you’ve joined your community, it’s time to share their content and fill up your boards and scheduling app.

This makes you a good community member!

In the picture below, you can see how many pins I have added to each community (the number in grey) and how many pins I have shared in that community (the number in green).

You always want to make sure you’re meeting the rules of the community for the pin ratio.

For example, If the community states you need to maintain a 1:2 ratio, this means that for everyone one pin you share to the commuity, you need to reshare two pins.

Go into Tailwind and click on your Community. Here, you will find a list of the communities that you’re a member of.

Share your content

Click on a community and start reviewing the pins of your community members.

Go to your community

Find a pin that would be perfect for your audience and your boards. Select the board(s) you want to pin it to (just type in the name) and click on the green Add to Queue button. Super easy!

Find a pin to share

Add your Website Content to your Tailwind Communities

Now is the fun part! Let’s add your pin to your Tailwind communities.

First, I want you to download the Tailwind Publisher Chrome extension.

Tailwind publisher extension

Then, go to one of your pins on Pinterest. You should see the Tailwind Publisher Chrome extension. Click on it.

Share your pin to tailwind communities

Next, you’ll want to click on Add to Communities.

Add to your community

Now select which communities you want to add the pin to. Be sure to follow the community rules! Then, click on the green button, Add to Communities

The red triangle with the exclamation point lets you know if you’ve already submitted that content (url) to that community (Again, check the rules of that community before submitting!)

Submit a pin to your community

Explode your Website Traffic with Tailwind Community

I’ve been using Tailwind Communities for only a short time, but it’s one of the main drivers of organic traffic to my website.

Here’s a snapshot of my results from just three of the Tailwind Communities I’m a member in.

Social Media and Digital Marketing Tailwind Community Results

Digital Marketing Tailwind Community Results

Blogging | Business | Personal Finance Tailwind Community Results

Blogging | Business | Personal Finance Tailwind Community Results

Small Business Tailwind Community Results

Small Business Tailwind Community Results

In just these three communities, I’ve had 985 re-shares (community members sharing my content), 329 repins (the number of repins from my community members sharing my content) which gave me a reach of 7.9M!

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Explode your Website Traffic Using Pinterest and Tailwind Communities

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