10 Things Your Competitors Can Teach You (before you create your online course)
Fair warning…this post may be a little controversial. In the online course marketplace, I’m told that it’s not appropriate to look at what your competitors are doing.
Aren’t we taught in Marketing 101 that one of the things you do before you develop a new product or service is to review the competitive landscape?
This is not to copy what they are doing. In fact, it’s the opposite. You want to make sure you are differentiating yourself in the market.
How to Create a Mini Course as a High-Converting Lead Magnet
Launching a new course is a huge project.
If creating a full-blown signature online course intimidates you, or you just don’t have the time right now to focus on your signature course, consider launching a free mini course to help grow your list while you build your signature course.
How to Create an Outline for your Online Course (that delivers results)
Read to learn the steps in creating an online course outline that gets your students to their desired outcome as quickly as possible.
7 Steps for Creating and Launching Your Money Making Online Course
How many of you are struggling with even getting started on your online course? Maybe you’ve tried pulling together a few Powerpoints or worksheets from your live training sessions, but nothing seems to work.
I’ve been working with entrepreneurs for a while now and I’ve noticed that everyone seems to be making the same mistakes. These mistakes are easy to make, but they can really have a negative impact on your progress.
How to Structure a Sales Page that Converts (for your online course)
It’s go time! You’ve spent weeks (or even months) on your online course. You know your ideal customer inside and out, decided on pricing for your course, prepared your course videos and worksheets and loaded them into the course platform. You are ready for your first group of customers! It's time to design your sales page.
Read on to discover how to structure a sales page that converts!
How to Build an Engaged Audience (even if you don’t have a huge marketing budget)
We don’t live in a build it and they will come world. The market is way too noisy. Before any business owner develops their online course program, they should focus first on building their engaged audience.
Read to learn how to build an engaged audience (even if you don’t have a huge marketing budget).
20 Essential Tools for Creating a Money Making Online Course
Are you thinking of creating an online course? Does the tech stuff scare you? Confused about the tools needed to develop your course? Here, I’m going to break down all the tools needed by Course Creators in each step of the course creation process.
What's the Right Platform for my Online Course?
The number one question I’ve been asked recently is what platform should I use to launch my online course. It’s a very valid question and the answer depends on what you’re trying to achieve.
Read to learn which is the right platform to host your online course.
How To Discover Your Profitable Course Idea
Are you a consultant, coach, or entrepreneur who wants to monetize your expertise and stop trading time for dollars through an online course?
In this post, I’ll walk you through how to discover your profitable course idea so you can add an online course to your portfolio.