184: Hit the Easy Button: 3 Low-Risk Ways to Grow Your Online Business

184: Hit the Easy Button: 3 Low-Risk Ways to Grow Your Online Business

Are you looking for ways to expand your online business the easy way? You're in luck! In my latest podcast episode, I chat with the brilliant Claire Pells, a seasoned Facebook and Instagram ad strategist.

Claire shares some incredible insights, including growth strategies you can start using right away! Here's a sneak peek:

  1. We dive into the power of classic list-building ads and how to create freebies that truly resonate with your audience.

  2. Claire reveals a little-known tactic for promoting your podcast or YouTube channel to rapidly build trust with potential customers.

  3. We explore the game-changing "coming soon" ad strategy for launches and time-sensitive promotions.

The best part? Claire breaks down how to implement these strategies even if you're on a tight budget and may be risk adverse like me. She emphasizes starting small, learning from the data, and scaling up as you see results.

But that's not all! Claire is offering a free class called "Grow Your List on Autopilot" on August 21st. It's a perfect opportunity to dive deeper into these strategies and get your questions answered live.

Don't miss this chance to transform your approach to online business growth. Tune in to the episode and sign up for Claire's class today!

Key points with timestamps:

  • [00:04:10] The enduring effectiveness of classic list-building ads

  • [00:07:47] Using ads to promote podcasts or YouTube channels for accelerated trust-building

  • [00:16:20] Implementing "coming soon" ads for time-sensitive promotions and launches

  • [00:24:21] Debunking the myth that you need a large budget to see results from ads

  • [00:27:00] Preview of Claire's upcoming class "Grow Your List on Autopilot"

Mentioned In This Episode:

Unlocking the Power of Facebook and Instagram Ads: Insights from Ad Strategist Claire Pells

As digital entrepreneurs, we're always on the lookout for effective ways to grow our businesses and reach more people with our offerings. One powerful tool that often gets overlooked or misunderstood is paid advertising, particularly on platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

In a recent episode of our podcast, we had the pleasure of speaking with Claire Pells, a seasoned Facebook and Instagram ad strategist, who shared some invaluable insights on how to leverage these platforms for business growth.

The Three Essential Ads Every Digital Entrepreneur Should Consider

Claire broke down her recommendations into three main types of ads that can benefit both seasoned and novice entrepreneurs. Let's dive into each of these and explore how they can help your business:

  • The Classic List-Building Ad

Despite being around for over a decade, the classic list-building ad remains one of the most effective ways to grow your audience. This type of ad promotes a free offer - typically a PDF, report, template, or even a webinar replay - in exchange for a name and email address.

What makes this ad type so powerful is its simplicity and the immediate value it provides to potential customers. Claire emphasized that the key to success with list-building ads is ensuring your freebie is truly valuable. As she put it, "If you're gonna do some kind of freebie like that... if your free gift is really and truly valuable that you could charge for it, definitely run ads to it."

For those just starting out or looking to refine their approach, Claire suggested considering video content for these ads. Video tends to attract higher-quality subscribers as it requires more commitment from the viewer.

  • Podcast or YouTube Promotion Ads

If you have a podcast or regularly publish on YouTube, this ad type could be a game-changer for your business. Instead of focusing on list-building, these ads promote a specific episode or video, with the goal of increasing your audience and speeding up the "know, like, and trust" process.

What's particularly exciting about these ads is their potential for high ROI. Claire noted that she's seen significant results from promoting her own podcast episodes, with many of her buyers coming directly from podcast listeners. The best part? These ads can be incredibly cost-effective. As Claire mentioned, "You could absolutely spend $5 a day and get real traffic to your podcast or to your YouTube videos."

  • "Coming Soon" Ads for Time-Sensitive Promotions

The third type of ad Claire recommends is what she calls a "coming soon" ad. This is particularly useful for time-sensitive promotions like product launches, summits, or bundles. Unlike traditional launch ads that target warm audiences when the cart is open, these ads start earlier, giving you more time to reach people and build anticipation.

Claire shared a personal example of using this strategy for her current launch, starting the ad two weeks before cart open. This approach can be especially helpful if you're noticing decreased email open rates or lower webinar registrations compared to previous launches.

Changing Perspectives: Ads as a Service, Not a Shortcut

One of the most impactful insights Claire shared was the need to shift our perspective on paid advertising. Many entrepreneurs, especially women, can feel resistance to using ads, viewing them as "cheating" or taking shortcuts. Claire challenges this notion, encouraging us to see ads as a way to provide value and reach more people who need our help.

"You're actually doing a service in helping get your great stuff and the way that you help people in front of more people who need you," Claire emphasized. This mindset shift can be transformative, allowing us to embrace ads as a tool for expanding our impact rather than a necessary evil.

Starting Small and Scaling Up: A Practical Approach to Ad Spending

A common misconception about ads is that you need a large budget to see results. Claire debunked this myth, assuring us that it's possible to start small and still achieve meaningful outcomes. She advocates for a conservative approach, especially for those who are risk-averse or working with limited budgets.

"Will you get more leads faster if you spend more? Yes. But it doesn't mean that you have to. You don't have to go fast. You can start slow and then ramp up when you see things are working," Claire advised. This practical approach allows you to test the waters, gather data, and make informed decisions about scaling your ad spend.

Embracing the Learning Process

One of the most reassuring aspects of Claire's advice was her emphasis on the learning process. Even if your initial ad attempts don't yield the results you hoped for, there's always valuable data to be gained. Whether it's insights about your messaging, your offer, or your audience, each ad campaign provides an opportunity to refine your approach and improve your results over time.

As we wrapped up our conversation with Claire, it became clear that Facebook and Instagram ads can be powerful tools for growing our businesses when approached strategically and with the right mindset. By focusing on providing value, starting small, and being willing to learn and adjust, we can leverage these platforms to reach more people and make a bigger impact with our work.

Remember, success in business doesn't have to be a constant uphill battle. Sometimes, it's about finding smarter ways to connect with the people who need what we have to offer. And with the insights Claire has shared, Facebook and Instagram ads might just be the tool you need to take your business to the next level.

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184: Hit the Easy Button: 3 Low-Risk Ways to Grow Your Online Business


Dr. Destini Copp [00:00:07]:

And today, my special guest is Claire Pells. Claire is a seasoned Facebook and Instagram ad strategist with over a decade of experience in the digital marketing place. She is founder of clairepells.com and is dedicated to helping small business owners and entrepreneurs maximize their ROI with data driven ad strategies. And, Claire, I am super excited to chat with you today. I have been a student of your absolute Facebook ads since, I think, 2019.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:01:15]:

I might need to go look and see when I actually purchased it. But I have been a student of yours for a long time, and we've known each other for several years now. And I love your podcast. It's one of my favorite podcasts out there. It's called the get paid podcast. So if you guys are not familiar with it, go check it out and subscribe. It's one of the ones I try to listen to every single time you have a new episode that goes out. And we're gonna be talking about 3 ads that you recommend that really any of of us, even if we're a seasoned entrepreneur or if we're just getting started, you're recommending 3 ads for us, and we're gonna get into all of those nitty gritty details.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:01:57]:

But before I do, can you tell the good audience just a little bit more about you and how you help people?

Claire Pells [00:02:03]:

Absolutely. Well, first off, thanks so much for having me, Destini, and for such a a gracious intro. So, yeah, I mean, just like Destini said, I've been doing this now since 20 full time running, you know, ads for clients and then teaching and consulting for people since 2014. It's been a while 10 years of changes to Facebook, Instagram, all of those ads, but it's my favorite thing to talk about. I don't know why I don't get bored. I just always wanna talk about ads, look at results, help people get better results all the time. And, mostly, I work with, you know, online entrepreneurs who have digital products or courses, memberships, coaching programs, things like that?

Dr. Destini Copp [00:02:48]:

Well, you're definitely in the right place because everybody listening here, you know, they are our digital product entrepreneurs. So they have memberships. They have courses. They have group coaching programs that are bundled in with courses or, you know, just low cost digital products for some of us. Now I always preach about the importance of growing our audience, growing our email list, and that could be difficult in this day and age. Right? It's hard to get that visibility if you would. But you have kinda put together a strategy for us, and we're gonna talk about the 3 ads that you recommend for people like us, these digital product entrepreneurs? So can you talk about the first one that you recommend?

Claire Pells [00:03:31]:

Yeah. Sure. I will say that, there is no need to use all of these ads. One of them might change the trajectory of your business because suddenly audience growth or podcast growth or sales just jump because of it. But I just wanna give you a couple different options depending on, you know, what you're working on. So the very first one is where I recommend almost everyone start, which is a classic list building ad. You are promoting some kind of freebie. You know? You are giving them a PDF, a report, a template, a live or not live class usually, but it could be.

Claire Pells [00:04:10]:

It could be for a live webinar, could be a a replay of something, and you're promoting that, and they give you their name and email address in order to get it. Otherwise, it's free. And that is the ad that I learned to run-in 2011, and it is still the number one ad that I recommend. I do not go for the trendy, flashy different types of campaigns because what ends up happening is Facebook makes changes. And so, something that you worked really hard on just might not work again depending on what Facebook does, but the list building ads, because you are just giving away a tremendous amount of value for free, those have not stopped working.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:04:54]:

So I I love that and just that classic list building ad. And I think all of us, we have a freebie or a free gift that we could put in a ad like that, one that we've been using organically, and we can just, you know, put some fuel or fire behind it if you would.

Claire Pells [00:05:10]:

Right. What's it's easy because of that. Most people already have it. And so they just, you know, they just have to set up the ad essentially and and hit go.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:05:20]:

So what are you seeing there? Is it like a PDF is working the best? Is it you know, tell tell us a little bit about what what people are doing in the marketplace right now and what's working.

Claire Pells [00:05:32]:

Yeah. So I still see a lot of different things working, and I really think it just depends on the type of business that you have. I started my business promoting a PDF. It was a free guide to Facebook ads, And that thing was so meaty, I could have charged money for it. And so in addition to growing my list, it also grew my authority. Right? It was not a dinky. This is how Facebook ads work, like, very 10,000 foot overview. No.

Claire Pells [00:06:03]:

It was detailed. So if you're gonna do some kind of freebie like that, which is, you know, literally somebody could open up a PDF scroll, just not really get very much from it, but they feel like they've done something. If that's all you have, I would consider putting together or choosing something else. But if your free gift is really and truly valuable that you could charge for it, definitely run ads to it. Otherwise, like, if you are just starting out, you maybe you know that your current freebie, it's not growing the right list for you. It's not attracting the right people. Then what I always recommend is any kind of video content because it does take more of a commitment from somebody, even the idea of watching something. So you're already getting a little bit more buy in from the subscribers.

Claire Pells [00:06:58]:

Now whether or not they they actually watch, that's also kind of the same as whether or not they open your PDF. But I find that it does bring in a little bit of a higher quality subscriber. So it could be a 10 minute thing. It could be a full on webinar with a pitch at the end, but just anything that's class, training, workshop. I try not to say webinar, but, you know, where it's not something that somebody's just gonna be able to scroll through real quick.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:07:25]:

I love that. And as you were thinking through or talking through that, I was thinking about, you know, I have a, like, a short 15 minute workshop where I help people come up with their course idea with AI. So that would be perfect for something like that.

Claire Pells [00:07:36]:

Perfect. Oh, and it's short, and it gives them a, a, like, a specific outcome. That's awesome.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:07:41]:

Yeah. Alright. So let's move on to the next ad you recommend.

Claire Pells [00:07:47]:

Right. So this is for anyone who has a podcast or is regularly publishing on YouTube, I would say. So you are this is not a list building ad, although that happens on the back end, but you're really just promoting a specific episode, a specific video on YouTube, and the settings are different. It actually makes the costs a lot lower and people aren't really doing this. But when somebody just discovers your podcast, discovers your YouTube channel, that really speeds up the know, like, and trust process. So a lot of us who have podcast, Destini, maybe you can even confirm this, is that they find that so many buyers come from their podcasts because that know, like, and trust process gets really sped up. And you feel like, okay, great. This is the person I wanna I wanna work with, the person I wanna learn from.

Claire Pells [00:08:48]:

So almost no one is running this type of ad, but my clients and myself, like, if you went into the ads library right now, you would see my own podcast ads in addition to some others that I have running. It's literally promoting one episode. In my case, it's an interview, but sometimes I switch it out, and I do more Facebook and Instagram ad focused episodes because that is my area of expertise. But when people listen to my interviews, they just get hooked, and they binge and they binge and they binge.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:09:20]:

So you're definitely motivating me to set something like this up. I was thinking about, yes. She's right. People who are listening to my podcast, they're most definitely buying or the ones that buying my higher priced offers, which would be my, you know, either my group coaching or my 1 on 1 coaching program. So that is brilliant just to do ad, just getting people to start listening to your podcast because it's hard to get discovered out there on those

Claire Pells [00:09:48]:

podcast calls. It really is. And so because it is so low spent, like, this could 100% be the only ad that you run, and it could the ROI could just be insane because you could absolutely spend $5 a day and get real traffic to your podcast or to your YouTube videos. It's it's pretty remarkable. And we have that I mean, Destini, you can go in there today. We have that in module 12, I think it is. You know? So it's already there for you. Just waiting.

Claire Pells [00:10:21]:

Just waiting for your podcast to blow up because of a small spend.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:10:26]:

Yeah. I'm definitely gonna check that out. And for all of you who are listening here, Claire and I were talking before we started recording, and I was telling her. I said, I'm at the point that I need to hit the easy button in my business. And, you know, that's one of the things that I'm gonna be focusing on. It's already on my 2025 Q4 for this year to really kind of, you know, drive that pay traffic, if you would, to, you know, automate more so I'm not having to do everything, you know, manually that we're doing to grow our business organically. Alright. Yeah.

Claire Pells [00:11:00]:

Let's let's talk about that real quick before we get into the 3rd ad. Because I think it's really something that women especially can feel a lot of resistance to. Like, I just remember seeing somebody tagged me on an Instagram post where somebody, a creator, was basically talking about how they were going to have to shut down their business because they weren't able to get the word out enough given, like, the prices of their of their offers, or I think the algorithm had just changed again so that we're suffering. And somebody said, hey. Have you ever thought about ads? You know? And then tagged me in it. And the response from that creator was like, I would never run ads. Everything we've done has been completely organic. So she really viewed ads as, like, cheating somehow and and basically telling herself that she needed to constantly be creating new content, like, trying to please the algorithms when maybe a really low cost list building ad or podcast ad or something like that could give her back so much time because, I mean, I don't ever post.

Claire Pells [00:12:19]:

Destini knows this. I haven't posted on Instagram since q 4 of 2022. Like, I can't even get into Instagram right now. I don't they're not recognizing my password. So, normally, I would do, like, stories about my personal life and things like that, but just for fun, not for any engagement because it's just not there for me anymore. But you really can market your business without that content creation hamster wheel. And if you've been learning from Destini and you are already creating great content that has brought in this organic audience for you, you are in the best position to run ads because you already have some data about, like, what people respond to. Some of my clients come in, and they have to pay to get that data.

Claire Pells [00:13:10]:

Right? They have to pay to say, okay. Well, is this topic of interest to people is something else, and and they're really just testing that stuff out. But, like, to literally spend an hour, maybe 2 hours setting up an ad, not a podcast ad, you because there's no tracking involved. It's so simple. Same for the YouTube ads. It's it's faster. But you could just do that and then literally not look at it again for 2 weeks. It's an amazing thing.

Claire Pells [00:13:38]:

So I just wanna encourage anyone who feels like, no. You know, success has to be hard. Success has to be the slog. Like, men don't think like that. There may be men listening, but I just wanna recognize that nobody if in most cases, if you offer a man an easy button, he's gotta push it because he's been told, you know, yeah, take every opportunity you have, but women have been socialized to believe that, no, this has to be hard. I couldn't possibly take any shortcuts. I I really don't see ads as a a shortcut at all. You're actually doing a service in helping get your great stuff and the way that you help people in front of more people who need you.

Claire Pells [00:14:29]:

Does that make sense?

Dr. Destini Copp [00:14:30]:

It it won't. I think you just hit the nail on the head. You're doing people a service, and I can tell you that my reach, organic reach on social media, I've almost haven't completely stopped posting. I kinda did this summer and took a break, and I've done a little bit more in August, but it is almost nil out there quite frankly, Claire. And I'm like, why am I doing this? Because that is just you know, it's not working, and it's a lot of work to do those post and what have you. But I, you know, I think all of us who are listening here today, we're ready to, you know, get our content out in the world and let people know how we can help them. And I think, you know, paid ads is a great way to do that.

Claire Pells [00:15:13]:

Yeah. I just I just think about all the people who let me know how how much like, my podcast, completely free content has seriously impacted their business. So but the only way I don't literally don't post about my episodes anywhere. My guests occasionally do if, you know, they're active on social platforms, but the only way new people are really discovering it besides perhaps a trickle of word-of-mouth is with the ads. So I am happy to spend that. I mean, I see the ROI over time for sure on the podcast ads, but, also, I just know, like, I'm getting this incredible conversation where, like, somebody shared a tactic or a mindset shift or something that people turn around, and and they change something in their business as a result. Like, yeah, I really just think of it as a service. And with certain ads, it's a real low cost service to do for people.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:16:12]:

Well, let's move on to ad number 3 that you recommend, and I'm very interested in learning a little bit more about this one.

Claire Pells [00:16:20]:

Yeah. So for anyone who is involved in, like, a time sensitive promotion, so it could be a launch, it could be a summit or a bundle, things like that. It has been pretty common for years for people to run ads that are get shown to people who already know about you, your existing audience. We call that a warm audience, and that's typically, like, when doors are open, when cart is open. Right? But what I do, because it is so cheap and it also gives me more time to reach people, is I will do a kind of coming soon ad. Right? Right now, for example, if you go into the ads library, and this is something anyone can just if you Google meta ads library, it will open up the link, then you put my name in. You can see these ads I have running. The one that I am focused on now my podcast ad is just always running, but the active one for this current launch is, hey.

Claire Pells [00:17:26]:

We are offering a unheard of before bonus for people who join in the first 48 hours of enrollment. I started that ad last week, 2 weeks before the cart opened, because what I was seeing was that, like, my email open rates were down. I don't know if I've ended up in spam or something. I noticed fewer registrations for my webinar. Compared to the last one. I think that has to do with the topic. So as soon as I saw that, I was like, okay. Well, Claire, you have this really great way of letting the same people, the people on your list, the people who follow you on Instagram even though you don't post anything there, you can still get the word out, and they need to know about this ahead of time and not just when the door is open because it is it's very time sensitive.

Claire Pells [00:18:16]:

So this is a very cheap campaign because I'm targeting the small audience in a very specific way, not the classic retargeting ads way, that might not mean anything to you, which is totally fine. It is definitely ad jargon, but it is a departure from what I used to do because those things just don't work the same way now as they used to, and a lot of people will hold on to the old ways when you have to you have to change things up. So that's that's the one. I'll do that for before, like, the launch of my high ticket offer where it's an application based thing. So we say, hey. This is coming. Get on the wait list. Or not like, most people don't get on the wait list, but they start to connect what my emails are about or the fact that they see emails coming in from me with what's happening even if they don't open them, even if I'm in spam, even if I'm in promotions or whatever.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:19:17]:

So I love this, and I was thinking about it as we were were about to go through a launch for in hobby school. You might not be familiar with Hobby School, but it's another brand that I own. And we're doing the art of handmade summit. And our list there is pretty sizable. It's around 20,000. And I was thinking, you know what? As you were talking through that, I need to do one of these reach campaigns or to, I guess, to target that specific list to get them to sign up for that summit because I think our open rates there are around, like, 45%. So there's a lot of people who aren't probably seeing those emails, and I need to go back and retarget them. I think that would help with our open rates there too.

Claire Pells [00:20:00]:

You know, Destini, when is that happening? When is the summit?

Dr. Destini Copp [00:20:03]:

October 1st through 3rd is when we're doing that.

Claire Pells [00:20:06]:

Okay. Perfect. So what I would recommend for you specifically, because given your audience size, it's, like, a lot bigger than mine. I would actually do something just a little bit differently. So what I recommend is that you come to strategy week. I I don't think I've announced this publicly yet to our clients, but twice a year, we do a strategy week or we call it boot camp, and it's just 5 days in a row of calls. You can come with anything, but I would like you to come so we can talk specifically about setup type because I might actually recommend what we teach and an additional thing for you. Wanna talk about budget.

Claire Pells [00:20:48]:

Wanna talk about a couple different things for that. Okay? So you could absolutely just take what we teach in the course and do it, but I think, like, this is why we offer the boot camp week. We also have the Facebook group where people can come in and and monthly calls, but you have your business is, you know, gonna be a little bit different from everybody else's, and I wanna give you personalized recommendations based on that.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:21:13]:

I love that. And you do that for all of your students in absolute Facebook ads?

Claire Pells [00:21:17]:

Oh, yeah. The boot the boot camp is twice a year, but then we have these monthly q and a calls. And then we have the Facebook group where if you wanted, you could say, this is what I'm doing. This is what I see you recommend in the course. Any other recommendations? People post like that all the time. Most people say, hey. Here's what I'm seeing in the ads manager. Here are my numbers.

Claire Pells [00:21:41]:

What would you recommend to test next? But people are always welcome to come in and say, let's talk strategy. Can I get some ideas or you know? We always like to hear people's ideas first and then so we can build on them.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:21:54]:

I know. It's so much support that you're given in that course.

Claire Pells [00:21:59]:

Yeah. And it's lifetime access. So you pay once, and you get all the updates. You get all the boot camps. You get all the q and a calls. It's not just like a 12 month thing, and then good luck.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:22:08]:

And what I loved about that course, because I went in there, I think, like, 2 months ago. You've kept it updated over the years. Like I said, I've been a student since, I think, 2019. Maybe it was 2018, but I I'm only I'm thinking it was 2019. But you've kept it updated over the years too.

Claire Pells [00:22:24]:

Oh, yeah. I don't really recommend anybody sell something that's so platform specific unless you plan to keep it updated. There were there's always talk about, like, well, maybe you should make it 1 year access so that people are still paying. I just I don't I don't love that for ads. I like that the people who, you know, stuck with me from the beginning. First launch was in 2014 in September, and they paid, like, a lot less than the courses now, but they're still coming. They're still coming. They're still getting questions answered, and I just I'm always gonna be okay with doing that.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:23:06]:

And that's one of the reasons why I recommend is that you keep it updated. You have tons of support in there. Claire, before we wrap it up here today, any last minute tips or suggestions for the audience?

Claire Pells [00:23:21]:

Well, I think a big a big thing that kind of can stand in the way of doing ads for people is well, a few things. 1 is just the idea of it is very overwhelming. There there are belief that, like, the ads manager is very complicated, and I'm not gonna lie. There are a lot of options in there, and so it's normal to look at that and to start kind of freaking out a little, especially if you see a random error message, which, actually, right now, I'm seeing this in so many client accounts. There is an error message popping up that makes no sense at all, and it's just a bug. It's a bug in Facebook's interface. So, I mean, that's super understandable, which is why I would recommend if you're going to spend money on ads is to get support and to follow something step by step, to have a place where you can ask questions like, hey. My screen looks different because that's just what happens.

Claire Pells [00:24:21]:

I will update something, and then I'll open up a client's account, and their screen looks different. And it's very frustrating. But for the most part, it's really easy to, you know, just help guide people to where they need to go. But the other thing is really this belief that you have to spend 5, $10,000 a month to get results, and that's it's simply not true. Will you get more leads faster if you spend more? Yes. But it doesn't mean that you have to. You don't have to go fast. You can start slow and then ramp up when you see things are working.

Claire Pells [00:24:58]:

You can ramp down when you're going to be on vacation or you need to focus on other things, and so maybe you don't wanna handle the customer service of, like, new clients in a certain thing. But I am always I told Destini that I am a conservative advertiser. My own budgets are low, and I'm always keeping risk in mind for my clients. Like, there's there's always some risk. Right? There's risk in in even doing organic content. Right? Because it is your time. And if you try a specific strategy, let's say, for 3 to 6 months and it doesn't work, that's 3 to 6 months of kind of time lost. Right? So the same is true for the money.

Claire Pells [00:25:43]:

Sometimes you're gonna spend the money, but you're gonna get the data. You're going to be able to see why isn't this working. Oh, guess what? People aren't clicking, and so that tells me it's not resonating. Or people are clicking, they're signing up, and then they're not opening a single email. Well, that means your subject lines need some work. There's always data that you can get, but so there's risk. Right? There's just always inherent risk in business, and I'm always kind of, what I teach and how I coach on these calls is from that perspective of, like, not everybody can plunk down $10,000 a month just to test things. You know? I'm really looking at how can we how can we make decisions or help you make decisions that are that make sense from, like if you're risk averse or, you know, need to keep an eye on the budget?

Dr. Destini Copp [00:26:36]:

And I would put myself too in that category, very re risk averse and wanting to make sure that we're not, know, I'm not wasting money on ads. So definitely want to get that return there. Now, Claire, you have a class that you are teaching in about a week. Can you tell the audience just a little bit more about that and what they would learn in that class?

Claire Pells [00:27:00]:

Yeah. So it's called grow your list on autopilot, a complete intro to Facebook and Instagram ads. So there's a little bit of what we touched on today, like some of the the better ads to run, but I'm also going to be teaching about how this algorithm works, which will help you see, especially if you've tried ads in the past, why they might not have worked. And then also just some best practices in the three most important areas. There are a number of things that you can do wrong in the setup, and it's barely going to impact your results. Right? There that's just the truth. My clients will be like, wait. But what about this and what about that? And I says, it don't doesn't really matter, which I see clients get results with campaigns that are set up wrong.

Claire Pells [00:27:48]:

You know? But there were a few that they're just 3, really, where I want people to, like, make sure that they understand this and then they get it right. And so that's what we're going to be doing. Yeah. It's Wednesday, 21st, August 21st. And then that day, we're also opening enrollment with, like I mentioned, I have this ad about this bonus. And the bonus, if if it's okay to share, Destini, is Absolutely. Anyone who joins the 21st, 22nd, or 23rd, we're actually gonna take one of those three pieces and do it for you. We are going to build audiences.

Claire Pells [00:28:30]:

We'll build each client their own audience for them to use. So that takes away the need to make all these decisions. It's one of the more overwhelming parts of the ads manager because you do have so many choices. Well, we're going to just build it ourselves and make a video of how you can just replicate it in your ad account, and then you just run ads to that. When the ads are running, you know that if there's anything that you want to improve that's not working, the issue is not the audience. And that's one of those three things that I said. Like, this is how you can kinda mess things up, totally accidentally. Well, we're gonna be taking that off your plate, and it's going to make your results a lot better.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:29:17]:

And I love that. So they're gonna when and I just wanna clarify for everybody, the audiences, the people that are gonna be seeing your ad from Facebook or Instagram. So that is such a great bonus. So, Claire, thank you so much for being here today, sharing all of your wonderful knowledge with us. I'm gonna make sure that all of your links are in the show notes to sign up for that class where you guys can get in touch with Claire and also subscribe to her get paid podcast. So, Claire, thank you so much for everything.

Claire Pells [00:29:51]:

Well, thank you, Destini. This has been so much fun. It's great to catch up with you. And, yeah, I would love to see people live or, you know, maybe catching the replay on the 21st.


185: The Hidden Trap Killing Your Business Growth


183: The 8-Step Blueprint for Mapping Your Customer's Journey