183: The 8-Step Blueprint for Mapping Your Customer's Journey

183: The 8-Step Blueprint for Mapping Your Customer's Journey

Ever feel like you're solving a giant puzzle, but someone's hidden half the pieces when it comes to understanding your customers? Well, I've got just the thing to help you find those missing pieces in this week's podcast episode.

Think of it as your GPS for guiding folks from "Who are you?" to "OMG, I love everything you do!" We're talking real, actionable steps to transform your customer's experience from meh to signing your praises.

In this episode, we'll chat about:

  • Why walking a mile in your customer's shoes could be your golden ticket 

  • How to spot those make-or-break moments in your customer's experience

  • Simple tricks to turn casual browsers into raving fans (who knew it could be so easy?)

  • My secret sauce for creating those "wow" moments that keep 'em coming back for more

Trust me, by the end of this episode, you'll be itching to revamp your customer journey. And the best part? It's not rocket science - I promise!

So grab your favorite drink, pop in those earbuds, and let's map out a journey your customers will never forget. Who knows? This might just be the episode that takes your digital product biz from "doing okay" to "holy cow, we're crushing it!"

Can't wait to hear what you think! Drop me a line after you've listened - I'd love to know which step was your biggest a-ha moment.

Happy listening, and here's to your success! 🚀

Key points with timestamps:

  • [00:02:12] Why understanding the customer journey matters for digital product creators

  • [00:04:08] Breakdown of the customer journey stages, starting with the awareness stage

  • [00:15:55] Identifying and optimizing touchpoints along the customer journey

  • [00:21:30] Strategies for making each touchpoint amazing, including personalization and community building

  • [00:29:41] Action plan for mapping out and optimizing your own customer journey

Mentioned In This Episode:

Mapping Your Customer Journey: The Key to Digital Product Success

As digital product creators, we pour our hearts and souls into crafting valuable courses, memberships, and coaching programs. But sometimes, despite our best efforts, we find that our amazing offerings aren't quite flying off the virtual shelves as we'd hoped. If this sounds familiar, it might be time to take a step back and look at the bigger picture: your customer's journey.

In this episode of the Creators MBA Podcast, I dove deep into the art and science of mapping out the customer journey for digital product businesses. Today, I want to share those insights with you and help you transform your approach to customer experience. By understanding and optimizing every touchpoint in your customer's journey, you can turn casual browsers into loyal fans and boost your business in the process.

Why Your Customer Journey Matters

Think about it: your product might be fantastic, exactly what your audience needs and wants. But if the experience from the moment they discover you to long after they've made a purchase isn't smooth sailing, you're leaving money on the table.

Understanding your customer's journey is like having a roadmap of their experience with your brand. It shows you every twist and turn, every potential pothole, and every opportunity to wow them. When you nail this, you're not just selling a product – you're crafting an experience that turns your audience into raving fans.

Breaking Down the Customer Journey Stages

Let's walk through the key stages of the customer journey:

  1. Awareness Stage ("Oh, hello there!"): This is when potential customers first discover you exist. They might stumble upon your YouTube video, Pinterest pin, or guest post on another blog.

  2. Consideration Stage ("Tell me more"): At this point, they're curious about you. They might subscribe to your email list, follow you on social media, or explore your free offers.

  3. Decision Stage ("Let's do this"): This is the make-or-break moment. They're seriously considering buying your higher-priced offer, comparing you to competitors, and diving deep into your sales page.

  4. Purchase Stage: They've decided to buy! But don't celebrate just yet – this stage is crucial and often overlooked.

  5. Onboarding Stage ("Welcome aboard"): First impressions matter. This is your chance to make their experience stellar from the get-go.

  6. Engagement Stage: This is where the rubber meets the road. Your customers are using your product and (hopefully) seeing results.

  7. Retention Stage ("Stick around"): Especially crucial for membership sites, this stage is all about consistently providing value to keep customers engaged.

  8. Advocacy Stage: The holy grail of customer journeys! These customers are so thrilled with their experience that they're shouting your praises from the rooftops.

Identifying and Optimizing Touchpoints

Now that we understand the stages, let's talk about touchpoints – those specific moments of interaction between your customer and your business. Some are obvious, others not so much. Here's an example of potential touchpoints for a "Launch Your Podcast" course:

  • Customer sees an Instagram ad about podcasting tips

  • Clicks through to read a blog post on common podcasting mistakes

  • Signs up for a free email course on podcast basics

  • Receives a series of emails over 5 days

  • Gets invited to a free webinar on launching a podcast

  • Attends the webinar and hears about your course

  • Visits the sales page and clicks the buy button

  • Goes through the checkout process

  • Receives purchase confirmation and welcome emails

  • Logs into the course platform for the first time

  • Completes modules and receives encouraging emails

  • Posts questions in the course community forum

  • Receives helpful responses and bonus resources

  • Completes the course and receives a congratulatory email

  • Gets invited to join an alumni group

Each of these touchpoints is an opportunity to either enhance or detract from the customer experience. The key is to make each one amazing!

Strategies for Elevating Your Customer Touchpoints

Here are some ways to make your touchpoints truly shine:

  1. Personalization is key: Use your customer's name, reference their specific goals or challenges, and tailor your communication to their progress.

  2. Anticipate needs: If you know customers often get stuck on a particular module, proactively offer help or resources before they reach that point.

  3. Surprise and delight: Unexpected bonuses, personal video messages, or even physical mail can make a huge impact.

  4. Create community: Foster connections between your customers. A strong community can significantly enhance the overall experience.

  5. Be human: Don't be afraid to show your personality, share stories, and admit when you make mistakes. Let customers see the real you.

  6. Gather and act on feedback: Regularly ask for feedback, and more importantly, show your customers how you're using it to improve.

  7. Celebrate milestones: Whether it's completing a module, achieving a goal, or being a member for a year, make your customers feel special at every milestone.

Your Action Plan: Mapping and Optimizing Your Customer Journey

Ready to transform your customer journey? Here's a simple action plan to get you started:

  1. List all possible touchpoints a customer might have with your brand.

  2. Organize these touchpoints by customer journey stage.

  3. Identify any gaps or long periods without touchpoints.

  4. Evaluate each touchpoint: Is it adding value? Is it aligned with your brand voice?

  5. Prioritize improvements – you can't overhaul everything at once.

  6. Implement changes, gather feedback, and continuously refine.

Remember, this isn't a one-and-done task. It's an ongoing process of refinement, but the results are worth it. By mapping out and optimizing your customer journey, you're not only improving your business metrics – you're making a real difference in your students' lives.

Your students and customers are on a journey, and you have the privilege of being their guide. So make it an adventure they won't forget. Your future customers will thank you!

What's one touchpoint in your customer journey that you're going to enhance this week? I'd love to hear from you! Drop me a line and let me know how you're planning to wow your customers.

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183: The 8-Step Blueprint for Mapping Your Customer's Journey


Dr. Destini Copp [00:00:07]:

Hi there. Destini here. And today, I'm talking about something that's near and dear to my heart. And that is mapping out the customer journey for our digital product business. So whether you have an online course, maybe you have a membership, maybe you're selling low cost digital products, or maybe you have, like, a higher ticket type program where you have, like, a coaching program that might be bundled in with an online course.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:01:05]:

Today, we're gonna be talking about that customer's journey from the time they find out about you to the time they might purchase from you and even after that. And I really do think that as you kinda look at this and map this out, that whole customer experience, I think it's really gonna transform how you think about your business and really open up your eyes. But before I get into all of the nitty gritty, I want to talk about why this matters and why you should care about your customer journey. And I want you to picture this. You have poured your heart and soul into creating an amazing online course or courses or a whole digital product portfolio. You know that what you have is so very valuable for the audience that you're serving, but somehow people aren't flocking to buy it. So if that sounds familiar to you, here's what I want you to think about. Your product, your offers might be fantastic.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:02:12]:

They might be exactly what your audience needs and wants. But if your customer experience from the moment they find out about you to maybe after they have bought from you and after, you know, even after that, isn't smooth selling, I would suggest that you are leaving money on the table. So understanding your customer's journey is like having a road map of their experience with you and your brand. It shows you, like, every twist and turn, every potential pothole, and every opportunity to, basically, wow them saying, oh, yes. She could definitely help me, and I definitely want to buy this. So when you nail this, you're not just selling a product. You're not just selling a digital product. You're not just selling an online course.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:03:07]:

You are crafting an experience that turns your audience and your customers into raving fans. Now first, I wanna talk about what exactly is a customer journey, and what do we mean in marketing when we talk about this? So I really wanna break this down in the most simple terms. A customer journey is the complete experience a person has with your, you know, with your business, your brand, your product. I'm just gonna refer to it as your business. From the moment they hear about you to long after they've made a purchase. So it doesn't end at them actually buying from you. It's every interaction that they have, every thought that they have, every feeling that they have about your business. So for us, we are all digital product creators.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:04:08]:

This journey might start when somebody stumbles across your Instagram posts. Maybe they continue as they sign up for a free webinar that you have or a workshop where you are promoting your online course to actually buying it, and it may even extend to how they feel about you and your course and your offer even 6 months after completing it. So let's walk through all the stages of the customer journey. And the first stage is the awareness stage. And I refer to that as, like, oh, hello there. Right? They are just finding about you. It really is when they first discover that you exist. So think about it this way.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:05:00]:

Maybe they're on YouTube, and they've done a search, and you have a YouTube channel, and your video pops up. Or maybe they're on Pinterest. I know a lot of my clients are on Pinterest, and they get a lot of their traffic and leads to their email list from Pinterest. So they're on Pinterest. They're searching about whatever topic they're searching about. They come across your pin, which leads them to your blog post, and then they sign up to get on your email list. So they're stumbling across you. Maybe you're guest posting or, on somebody else's podcast.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:05:36]:

So you're on their podcast, and the person who's hosting that podcast say, do you have a free gift? So they're finding out about you on that podcast. So as you can see, there's a lot of different ways that people can find out about you, and that is the awareness stage. So your job at this stage is to make a great first impression. You want them thinking this person knows their stuff. I can learn from them. They are the leader in their industry. Their stuff is very valuable. And I would venture to say that this awareness stage is one of the most important stages out there.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:06:22]:

Now moving on into the consideration stage. So in this stage, I call it the tell me more stage. So consideration in this stage, they know that you exist and they're curious about you. They haven't unsubscribed from your email list. They might be subscribed to your YouTube channel or your podcast. So they are interested in hearing more about you and what you have to offer and how you can help them. They might not be ready to buy yet, but they are interested enough to maybe even sign up for your email list. So maybe they've been listening to your podcast episodes.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:07:03]:

Maybe they've been watching your YouTube videos. Maybe they've been maybe they've been on your email list and maybe looking to explore more free offers that you have there. Maybe they're following you on social media. Maybe they're even starting to read your reviews or testimonials about your products. So they are exploring you more, and that is your chance to showcase your expertise and start building trust. So you're gonna provide value. You're gonna be consistent. Consistency is extremely critical here, and you're gonna show them that you understand their problems.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:07:44]:

Okay? Now one of the things I want to mention here, and I think a lot of people wait too long to start making paid offers. And I think you can even do this in the awareness stage, but definitely in the consideration stage. So when somebody is signing up for one of your free lead magnets, that's a perfect opportunity for you to offer them one of your paid products, a very, very low cost paid product. We call them tripwires in marketing. But, basically, they sign up for your lead magnet. On the next page, you have this tripwire offer. It says wait before you go. I have this offer that I think you'll be interested in.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:08:30]:

And that is a really good way to fast track this particular stage and that trust building because they can get a taste of what it's like to work with you at a low cost. They can learn more about your teaching style, and basically, how they can learn from them and just see, do we match. Right? So I think it's a really good way for you to kinda jump in and make that low cost type offer saying here's a taste of what it's like to work with me. And then moving on, the next stage in the customer journey is the decision stage, and I call this the let's do this stage. Right? This is the make or break moment. They're seriously considering buying your, really, your higher price type offer here. So it might be your signature course or maybe it's what we call a subject matter course. So maybe not the flagship course that you have, but maybe it's just one of your higher priced offers.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:09:33]:

Maybe it's, you know, jumping into one of your group coaching programs. Maybe it's your 1 on 1 coaching like what I offer here. So in this stage, they're gonna be comparing your offer to competitors. They're gonna be diving into that sales page that you have. They're gonna read it in detail. They're gonna go down the FAQ section and really go in there. They might even watch a pitch video. They might even be reaching out to questions, and this is a great opportunity for you if you know somebody who is actually in the stage.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:10:06]:

Maybe they've signed up for your free workshop, your free webinar, where you have pitch your course. That's a great opportunity for you to keep that connection with them, maybe even reach out via DMs, reach out via email. Do you have any question? Your job here is to overcome objections. You're gonna highlight the benefits of your offer and how you can help them and really just make that purchasing process for them as smooth as possible. In the next stage is the purchase stage. Now I think a lot of people kinda skip this. Right? When they're looking at their processes and procedures, they don't really dive into after somebody has purchased, are we providing the best experience that we can possible? So in this stage, they've decided to buy, but I don't want you to celebrate just yet. Right? Because this stage is very crucial and is often overlooked, like I said.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:11:10]:

So they might be in your course, starting to get the emails, starting to go through the information, and you're starting to move into that onboarding stage. So they've already checked out. They've entered their payment details. They're receiving the confirmation emails. So you wanna make sure that is working as it should be because you what you don't want to happen is for somebody to contact you, say, I want a refund. I couldn't get in the course, or I was having problems, or the videos weren't working right. So you want that whole process to go perfectly. And then we move on to the next stage, which is the onboarding or welcome aboard stage.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:11:53]:

First impressions definitely matter. This stage is your chance to make it a stellar experience for your new students. So you can have a welcome email, but absolutely make sure that they have clear instructions on how to access your product, and give them some quick wins or immediate value to keep them excited, to keep them moving on. Your goal in this stage is to reassure them that they have made the right choice in working with you and to get them engaged in your program as quickly as possible. And then in the next stage is the engagement stage. So this is where, really, the rubber meets the road. Right? Your students actually using the product. They're going through your course materials.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:12:46]:

They are engaging with your membership content. They are applying what they've learned from your course platform. I'll give you some examples here. So I have the newsletter profit club. I have content in there. And one of the things that I do is to reach out and offer some of my new students, especially as we are ramping up this program and say, I'd love to do a 1 on 1 with you just to get any questions that they have answered, really understand where they're struggling. So it's an opportunity for me to really dig in, especially for a new offer like that, really dig in and find out what their pain points are. I think I know what they are because I've made the offer.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:13:31]:

I've done the membership. We've done a great job in selling it. You know, a lot of people are interested in it, but I really wanna continue to dig into that more. So I'm in that engagement stage for those new members in that membership, and I really wanna make sure that they are using it. And I am meeting all of their needs and helping them achieve the promised information, which is for that particular membership. It is making money from every newsletter send. Okay? And then the next stage that you will want to map out is the retention stage. So that is stick around stage.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:14:11]:

And this is especially crucial for membership sites or course creators who have multiple products because you want them to stay in your membership. So here, the key is is to consistently provide value, making sure that you're checking in with customers, and then making sure that they know what other offers you have that they may be interested in. So your goal is to keep them engaged and happy so that they stick around and maybe even buy more for you. And then last and final stage is the advocacy stage, and this is when your best customers are shouting your praises from the rooftops. So this is the holy grail of customer journeys. They are so thrilled with their experience that they are leaving you glowing reviews. They are referring friends to your product, and they are sharing their success on social media. So those are the folks that you are going to want to nurture.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:15:15]:

Right? Because they are your best marketing asset out there. Now what I wanna do now is take a second and identify these touch points along the journey. So now that we have the stages down, these touch points are very specific moments of interaction between your customer and your business. Now some of these are gonna be obvious to you, others, not so much. So I wanna take an example, a business owner, and they are selling a course. We'll just say launch your podcast course. Okay? So that's the course that they have. That's the course that they wanna sell.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:15:55]:

The first potential touchpoint here is the customer or the potential customer, I should say, sees an Instagram ad about podcasting tips. And then they click through to read a blog post on 5 common podcasting mistakes, or maybe there's a free gift there. So from that on that blog post, I should say, there's a sign up for a free email course on podcast basics. And then the customer or the potential customer receives a series of 5 emails over 5 days, and then they get invited to a free webinar on how to launch your podcast in 30 days. So you kinda see how this customer journey is flowing there. They attend the webinar, and at the end, you're gonna be pitching your course in that, so they hear that. They visit the sales page for the course. They click on the buy now button.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:16:56]:

They go through your checkout process. They receive a purchase confirmation email. They get that welcome email with the login details. They log in to your course platform for the first time. They're gonna watch your welcome video in the course. They're gonna complete the 1st module. Maybe you're sending them an encouraging email after completing module 1 because you have that trigger in your course platform. They post a question in the course community form.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:17:27]:

They get a reply from you about their question. They hit a roadblock in module 3, and they email your support. They receive a helpful response and a bonus resource to help them keep moving forward. They complete the course. At the end of the course, they receive a congratulations email with their certificate. They get invited to join an alumni group. They receive an email asking for a testimonial. And then in your next newsletter, they see something mentioned there about an advanced podcasting course.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:18:08]:

So that's 24 touch points, and I'm probably still missing some there. But each of those are an opportunity to either enhance or detract from the customer experience. Now I wanna talk about some touch points that most of us miss, so they often fly under the radar, but they can have a huge impact in your student's experience. The first is, am I doing this right moment? So this can often happen right after someone purchases your product. They're excited, but they're also a little bit nervous. And a simple email saying, hey. You're on the right track. You're in the right place can work wonders.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:18:54]:

The next one is after their first win. So getting them to identify the first small victory can definitely work wonders there. So, for example, for a course on social media marketing, it might be getting their first 100 followers. Celebrate those type of moments. So get that feedback from your student and celebrate. The next one is kind of what we call the halfway slump. And this is when you have more longer type programs. So not necessarily for a mini course, but if you have a, you know, a 8 week program or a 12 week program, there's always that halfway slump.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:19:34]:

So many customers or students will lose steam halfway through a course. So I want you to anticipate this and really plan to do some type of motivational boo boost there. So maybe a surprise bonus or personal check-in can work wonders. The next one is what we call the silent customer. So if someone hasn't logged in to your membership site in a while, that's a touch point. So you're gonna reach out and engage them. Another opportunity that you have is when you do a feature update. So when you add new features or content or you've updated your course, how you announce it matters.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:20:12]:

So make your customers feel like they're getting even more value because they are. Right? You're keeping that course updated. And as a student, they get access to those new updates. The next one is the cancellation request. So if you're running a membership, you're gonna get these. It's inevitable. So if someone wants to cancel their subscription, that's a critical touchpoint. So how you handle it can turn a leaving customer into a returning one.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:20:41]:

So just think about that. And then the next one is the social share. So when a customer shares their progress or success on social media, acknowledging that and amplifying and kinda boosting their post right can turn them into a a superfan. So now that we've identified all of the touch points, we've talked about some areas that might fly under the radar, but are very, very critical. Let's talk about how do we make all of these touch points amazing. Now the first thing is personalization is key. So in all of your communication, use your customer's name, reference their specific goals or challenges, and really tailor your communication to their progress. And, also, anticipate their needs.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:21:30]:

If you know customers get stuck on a particular module, proactively offer help or resources before they get to that point. And then surprise and delight. So unexpected bonuses, personal video messages, or even physical mail. Have you ever been in a program that's a a digital type program where you get something in the mail? I have, and it was crazy. I absolutely loved it. I got these stickers in the mail once I'm like, I don't even use stickers, but that was just so very special to me. Also, create community so you can foster connections between your customers. So when you have a community with one of your programs, that's a great opportunity to kinda build that community and get everybody cheering everybody else's on.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:22:18]:

So, also, just be human. Don't be afraid to show your personality, share stories, admit when you make mistakes, and let customers see the real you. And then gather and act on the feedback. So regularly ask for feedback, and more importantly, show your customers how you're using it to improve. And then celebrate milestones, whether it's completing a module, achieving a goal, or just being a member for a year, make your customers feel very special at every single milestone that they have. Okay? Now it's gonna be your turn. We're going to map out your customer journey for your digital product business. And if you're anything like me, it's probably a little bit messy.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:23:04]:

Right? There's a lot of different touch points that people can find out about me. I was trying to map them all out today. I'm like, that's a lot. And I'm not even sure that I touched them all, quite frankly. Here's what you're gonna do, and I'm gonna give you a step by step process. I also have a guide for you mapping out the customer journey for your digital product business. That link to get that free guide is in the show notes, so make sure you grab it. You don't have to write all these down.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:23:33]:

I'm gonna give you that guide. But the first thing you're gonna do is list all the touch points. So you're gonna brainstorm every possible interaction a customer might have with your brand. So don't self edit. Just write down everything. And I was as I was doing this, I'll just give you some examples. I was go Pinterest is 1. So we have tons of pins out there that people can find out about us.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:23:59]:

Obviously, they can Google and go to our website there. They can find us through podcast. We recently put our podcast on YouTube, and we've got started getting subscriptions there. So that's gonna be another touch point for us. We do a lot of, like, sponsorships, paid ads for other newsletters, participating in bundles. All of those are touch points where people are just finding out about us. That's gonna be a big list for most of you. And then you're gonna organize these by stage.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:24:34]:

So you're gonna group these touch points into the customer journey stages we discussed today. And then you're gonna identify gaps. And here's what I want you to think about. Are there long periods without touch points? I'm hoping that's not the case for all of you because I'm hoping that almost every single week, at a minimum, you're gonna be sending out your weekly newsletter. Then maybe you're doing social media post in addition to that. Maybe you're doing, like, a weekly podcast or YouTube video. So consistency at a minimum with your email newsletter we'll make sure that you stay top of mind with everybody. But think about it.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:25:19]:

And if you do have any gaps in there, make sure you write those down. And then I want you to evaluate each touchpoint. So think about it. Is it adding value to the customer experience? Is it aligned with your brand voice? That's one of the things that we're gonna be doing is going through all of our lead magnets and looking at the email sequences after somebody signs up just to make sure that we don't need to make any updates there. And I can about guarantee you we do because I've seen some already that I'm like, that's a little old. I need to go in and make an update there. So you're gonna look at all of that and look at it and analyze it and see if there's an opportunity to make that interaction more meaningful. And then you're gonna have to prioritize because you're not gonna be able to overhaul everything at once.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:26:12]:

So for me, I'm listing out all of my touch points, listing out all of the lead magnets because that's gonna be an important part of that, that initial touch point, and then we're gonna go through and look at all of those email sequences. And then your last step is you're gonna test and refine. So you're gonna implement changes. You're gonna gather feedback, and you're gonna continuously refine your customer journey. So I recently read a book called unreasonable hospitality by Will Guidara, and I might be pronouncing his last name incorrectly. But, basically, this book covers the remarkable power of giving people more than they expect. In this book, you'll hear stories like how his team and he ran, a restaurant in New York City, about how his team surprised a family who had never seen snow with a magical sledding trip to Central Park after their dinner. Another case, they filled a private dining room with sand complete with and beach chairs to console a couple who had a canceled vacation, and there's a lot of other stories in this book.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:27:22]:

But when I was thinking about this and how to apply it to our world, right, our digital product world that we have, I think there's a lot of different ways that we can do this too. And I wanna give you some examples here. So you can send a handwritten thank you note to your customers. So if you have, like, a group coaching program, you can get their home addresses and send a hand thank you note through the mail to them. I think that is so very personal. You could also create personalized video messages for anyone who's struggling. So maybe you have a student who's going through one of your courses. I do this a lot in my coaching program.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:28:03]:

So instead of just replying via a written response, a lot of times I'll do a personal video message, and you can send those out to them. The other thing is just remembering and acknowledging details, personal details. The other thing you could do is offer free coaching calls. Right? So, you know, I'm doing this in the newsletter of profit club for any of our members who wants to. Any of them can take me up on it. In the month of August, I'm offering a free 30 minute strategy session where they can come and ask me anything about their newsletter. So that's one of the things that I've been doing to really go above and beyond for people in that very low cost membership. Somebody would say, Destini, why are you doing that? That membership's only, you know, $19 a month.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:28:54]:

Why would you give somebody a free newsletter strategy session? 30 minutes. Some people would probably see that as unreasonable in terms of my time and effort, but I would venture to say that that creates stories that customers will tell others. And word-of-mouth is one of the most powerful marketing efforts out there. You just can't buy word-of-mouth marketing. I will just leave you with that. So your action plan for today is to map out and optimize your customer journey. And it's not really a one and done task, quite frankly. It's an ongoing process of reform refinement, but I really wanna give you a simple action plan to get started.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:29:41]:

And in the map out your customer journey for digital product creators, I have this guide for you. It will help you walk you through all of the steps to actually do this. So you're gonna map out your customer journey. You're gonna identify quick wins. I have processes in there for gathering customer feedback. You're gonna prioritize your improvements. You're gonna implement your changes. You're gonna measure and refine, and then you're gonna rinse and repeat.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:30:08]:

So all of those steps are in there, and that will help you map out and optimize your customer journey. So you're not only improving just business metrics, which you will be as you go through this process. I think the key here is you're gonna be making a real difference in your students' lives. So your students and your customers are on a journey, and you have the privilege of being their guide. Really, just make it an adventure that they're not going to forget. If I have to leave you with anything, if you don't take away anything else from this podcast episode today, take this away. Make it an adventure that your students won't forget. Now I'm just gonna hand it over to you.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:30:52]:

I'd love to hear from you. What is one touch point in your customer journey that you're going to enhance this week after listening to this podcast episode. I would say whatever it is, your future customers are going to thank you. So have a great time mapping out your customer's journey. If you have any questions whatsoever, you can respond to any of the emails that I've sent out, and you can send questions through the podcast app. I'm more than happy to answer any questions that you have. Bye for now.


184: Hit the Easy Button: 3 Low-Risk Ways to Grow Your Online Business


182: Beyond One-Size-Fits-All: Crafting Your Perfect Online Course