29: Moving Beyond a Scarcity Mindset (in your online course business)

As humans, we’re hard wired to prepare for the worst or believe that there might not be enough out there to survive. We might be afraid to invest in our online course business because we aren’t sure it will come back to us or we don’t charge enough for what we offer because we think people won’t pay for it.

In this episode, I chat with Linda Perry, a lawyer turned mindset coach, copywriter and course creator. Linda’s career hasn’t followed the typical track. She’s spent time in prisons and courtrooms around the country, honing her skills for empathy and persuasion.

We explore the beliefs that fuel scarcity mindset and provide tips you can use to bypass your fears and embrace an abundance mindset long term.

Specifically, we discuss:

  • Why is scarcity mindset so detrimental to building/launching courses?

  • What is the number one fear you see when it comes to course creators investing in their business and what can you share with them to help them overcome that?

  • How do limiting beliefs play a role in scarcity mindset?

  • How does scarcity mindset impact pricing? And what can you do about it?


30: 5 Email Marketing 'Rules' to Experiment Breaking


28: How to Host a Rockstar Course Beta