21: 4 Simple Steps to Get your Website on the Front Page of Google

In today’s podcast episode, I chat with Melissa McGraw,  a 20-year veteran of the fashion and consumer goods industry.  She has written content and analyzed/reviewed SEO tactics for over 100,000 items that are currently sold on Amazon today. And, as an adjunct professor in e-commerce and logistics at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City, she has her finger on the pulse of e-commerce trends and practices for creative businesses. 

Melissa shares her tips for getting your website on the front page of Google. Specifically, we discuss her 4-step framework to getting your website on the first page of Google:

1. Search keywords and why they're important to place on your website

2. How to check your website and optimize for keywords, including your images

3. How to make sure that Google even knows that you exist! 

4. The best way to build your SEO strategy


22: 3 Mindset Shifts to Make Before Your Next Launch


20: Tips for a Brag-Worthy Sales Page