118: Why Monitoring Your Evergreen Sales Funnel is so Important

The Course Creator’s MBA Podcast Episode #118: Why Monitoring Your Evergreen Sales Funnel is so Important

So you’ve set up your evergreen sales funnel. You have your lead magnet with your registration page, your email automations and tags, your webinar registration page along with your sales page and everything else that goes into your evergreen sales funnel.

Here’s what I want you to do next. Test it.

Set up an email account, one that you can use for testing and go through your evergreen sales funnel just like a new subscriber would.

You may be surprised as to what you’ll find.

In this episode, I’ll walk you through what to review in your evergreen sales funnel and some tips on what to tweak if your sales funnel is not converting.

Mentioned In This Episode

Free Planner (valued at $47): Plan Your Profitable Evergreen Sales Funnel. Grab your copy here. 

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The Course Creator’s MBA Podcast Episode #118: Why Monitoring Your Evergreen Sales Funnel is so Important


Welcome back to our series where we're talking all about Evergreen sales funnels and we are in episode 118 and I'm going to be chatting with you about why monitoring your Evergreen sales funnel is so important.

So you've set up your Evergreen sales funnel. You have your lead magnet with your registration page, your e-mail automations, your tax setup. You have your webinar registration page along with your sales page and everything else that goes into your Evergreen sales funnel. And here's what I want you to do next, and that is test it. You're going to set up an e-mail account, one that you can use for testing and go through your.

Evergreen sells funnel just like a new subscriber would and you may be surprised as to what you'll find. So no matter how careful you have been with setting up the funnel, I can guarantee you you will find links that aren't working, tags that might not be set up correctly, emails that are being sent on the wrong day, and probably more. I would even suggest that you have.

Your business coach, a friend or a family family member go through the funnel along with you just to get a new set of eyes on it to see if they can catch anything. So as you go through your new Evergreen sales funnel like a new subscriber, I want you to click on every link. I want you to check in your e-mail service provider to make sure that you were tagged correctly.

I want you to go through your league magnet with a fresh set of eyes. Review the emails that are being sent out. Are they being sent out on the correct days? Do you see any misspellings or bad links? And when it is come time to watch your recorded webinar, make sure that everything is set up correctly. Is the link for your sales page working? I can tell you that we have found instances where there were issues there.

I want you to go through and purchase your course. You can set up a coupon code in there and just purchase your course just like a new student would. Did the purchase process correctly were you tagged as a student and then put in a sequence for your student onboarding emails. So there's a ton of things that you need to test just to make sure that.

Everything is working properly.

So after you've completed your initial test and you know that you've corrected all the errors, I want you to work on promoting your new lead magnet everywhere. I want you to send it out to your e-mail list. I want you to post it in Facebook groups on their primary day. If that is something that you're into. I want you to post the link on your bio on Instagram, or any social media account that you're using.

You can provide your free gift when speaking at summits or when you're a guest on a podcast, podcast basically anywhere that you can get in front of other people's audiences. So you're going to promote your lead magnet and you're going to drive people traffic, what I should say traffic through there because you want to get eyeballs on your funnel. So after you've had a good amount of people going through your funnel.

I like to have at least 100 people going through it. It's time to look at your statistics now. Here you will review your landing page conversion rate for your lead magnets. So basically what you're doing, you're going to measure this by looking at the number of options or the number of people who signed up for your lead magnet divided by the unique views.

To your landing page and you're going to get that percentage there. In general, I'd like to see something around, you know, 40 to 50%. We've even gotten those landing page conversion rates even higher than that. I don't like to see them. You know, 2025 even 30 is a little bit lower than what I would like to see, but that's the kind of numbers and the data that you're going to be.


If you have a recorded webinar in your Evergreen sales funnel, you're going to look at stats like your webinar completion rate, right? Are people actually watching your webinar? Are they getting to the point where you're doing your pitch? You're also going to pay close attention to your e-mail automations. What are your open rates look like? Are people clicking on your links to go to your sales?

Page, you're also going to review things like your overall funnel conversion rate to see how your funnel is converting. All of this data are going to help you identify areas to improve and optimize your Evergreen sales funnel. So knowing these numbers is a good first step now after you've pulled all this data together.

When you're looking at the numbers, the first thing you're going to kind of figure out is if you have you know if you have an issue, if you're not happy with it, the first thing you're going to look at and kind of identify is that a traffic problem, meaning are you getting enough people through it? Is it a leads problem or is it a conversion problem? And I'm going to walk you through each of these in just a second now.

Most sales funnels have a traffic problem, meaning they're not getting enough people into their funnel to even get eyeballs on their offer.

So if you if you are not happy with yourselves, that's the first place that you're going to look. You know how many people, or even seeing what you have to offer now to solve for this, you're going to want to make sure that you're optimizing your traffic sources. So maybe you need to do more podcast interviews, maybe you need to speak in summits, maybe you need to do some joint collaborations, maybe even add some type of affiliate program to get other people to promote.

Your program, your stuff, whatever you need to do to drive more people into your funnel, OK?

If you determine that, it's a lead problem.

That means that people are. You have enough people coming through, but they're just not signing up for your leads, right? The main area for improvement is going to be the opt in pages for your free gifts. So your main free gift or maybe even your webinar. You know your webinar. We call that a league magnet too, but the one thing that you can do here to increase.

Those conversion rates, one thing you could do is to kind of repackage your gift. Is the headline or the promise not appealing enough to people? Are they going to your landing page for your free gift? They're like, oh, I don't really want this, or they're going to the landing page for your webinar and it's just not, you know, appealing to them doesn't mean you have to completely change your lead magnet doesn't mean that you have to completely change what you're teaching.

In your webinar you could, but it could be as simple as changing the title of your webinar or kind of repackaging your gift. Now, moving on, if you determine that it's a conversion problem, meaning people are you're getting enough people into your cells funnel, you're getting enough people to sign up for your lead magnet, so you're happy with the conversion rate on your lead magnets.

The next question is, are they actually purchasing? So is it a conversion problem? And this means that you're going to have two main areas of improvement for your sales funnel. One is you're going to want to look at your sales page, OK. What can you do to improve it? Now on your sales page? A lot of times you really need to go back through it and say, am I speaking to their pain points?

Am I covering really, you know what is frustrating them? Am I talking about the transformation they're going to get by enrolling in my program? If you're just talking about your process or, you know, your formula or your framework, people don't care about that kind of stuff. They care about how you're going to help them. So you need language on that sales page that speaks to all of those frustrations that they're filling.

Because they want. That's what they want you to solve for them, OK? The other thing that you can look at if it's conversion problem is look closely at every e-mail that you're sending out. What can you do to increase the open rates or the number of click throughs to your sales page so that you know looking at that and making changes there?

Will help you know increase the conversion of your Evergreen sales funnel. OK. Now if you're here and you're saying dessy, all of this sounds great, but I really need someone by my side. So to kind of help me how I can do this to kind of help me optimize my Evergreen cells funnel, we can do that inside of our digital product accelerator program. I know and I know data is difficult for some of you. It is certainly.

It's not easy for me, so you're certainly not alone. It's also good, quite frankly, to get another set of eyes on your stuff so you're not having to sit out there on an island all by yourself trying to figure this stuff out. The other thing that I do want to mention is if you already have an Evergreen sales funnel and you're really tempted to give up on it and kind of move on to something else.

I would wait, right. It could be that you just need to make some tweaks here and there. It could be that you just need to repackage like I mentioned that webinar, not change it completely, but kind of repackaged, maybe the title of it or maybe it's just you just need more traffic coming through your funnel. Maybe your funnel is rock solid and you just don't know it yet. You just need more people seeing it. So if you've already done all this work, set it up.

Take some time to gather your data to see where you can tweak and optimize it. So it could just be like I mentioned, a couple of minor, minor tweaks that are needed and you can salvage all of that hard work that you put into it. So as I wrap up here, I want to let you know that if you have any questions about Evergreen sales funnels or our digital product accelerator program where we help business owners like you who have digital products or.

Coaching programs set up and optimize their sales funnel. You can reach out to me and DM me on Instagram. You can contact me on LinkedIn at Destiny comp. I would love to learn more about you and your business. I'll also put the link to our digital product accelerator program in the show notes so you can learn more there and apply if you think it's a great fit for you and kind of where you are in your business journey. Bye for now.


120: How Your Evergreen Sales Funnel Can Help Recession Proof Your Business


117: How to Know If You're Ready to Create an Evergreen Sales Funnel