101: 11 Traffic Strategies for an Evergreen Sales Funnel That Won't Cost You a Dime

The Course Creator’s MBA Podcast Episode #101: 11 Traffic Strategies for an Evergreen Sales Funnel That Won't Cost You a Dime

Today we’re talking about organic traffic strategies for your evergreen sales funnel. I'll walk you through some traffic strategies that are more of a long-term game and some where you can get some quick wins by simply networking and collaborating with your peers. 

Have questions about evergreen sales funnels or how to drive organic traffic into your funnel? DM me on Instagram @destinicopp or reach out on LinkedIn. 

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Episode #101: 11 Traffic Strategies for an Evergreen Sales Funnel That Won't Cost You a Dime


Speaker 1 (00:02):

Today, we're talking about organic traffic strategies for your evergreen sales funnel. In the previous episode, I walked you through five different types of evergreen sales funnels, and also talked about a few unique types of funnels that most people aren't even aware of. So if you haven't had a chance to check out that episode, I'll put the link in the show notes, so you can binge it right after this one. Today, we're talking about traffic strategies to get eyeballs on these funnels, because if folks don't even know that you exist, how would they even find your league magnet to go through your funnel? So jumping right in the first traffic strategy is your content. We all know the saying that content is king, but most importantly, your content is how people will find you when they do a search on Google on Pinterest or whatever search engine they're using, this is why blogging or podcasting and posting on social media is so very important.

Speaker 1 (01:19):

In fact, I feel so strongly about the importance of content for online course creators or just digital product creators in general, that we developed our OneClick MBA membership around providing this pre-written and template type content that be, can be customized for your business so that you have a consistent publishing schedule around your content. Now, if you'd like to learn more about the OneClick MBA membership and how we can help you save a ton of time creating content, I'm putting that link in our show notes and you can definitely check it out. Now, the next strategy is free PR and here's what I love about PR it not only drives traffic. It builds your authority at the same time. Now here, you're gonna wanna focus on guest podcasting and speaking opportunities. You can also do guest blogging and written interviews. But what I found with those is that can take a ton a ton of your time.

Speaker 1 (02:38):

So that's why I prefer to reach out and see if somebody is willing or wants me to be a guest a on their podcast. So that is generally the route that I go. And of course, honestly, I just love podcasting, right? Cause I'm doing it now. So I'm very comfortable with it. But maybe if you like to write, maybe guest blogging would be a perfect fit for you. The other thing that I have found that really doesn't take a ton of my time, but is doing like quotes or type of written interviews for high authority sites, where they have a link back to, to your website. So not only does your quote or whatever you've written, maybe it's a few paragraphs that you're adding to kind of a Roundup on that high authority website. That'll give you a back link to your own website, which is go going to help with your domain authority.

Speaker 1 (03:42):

Now, if you'd like to see some examples of free PR type of opportunities that I have done in my business, just to kind of spur your inspiration and to understand exactly how I'm going about this. I'm put the link to my media page on our show notes so you can check it out. Okay. So the last way to drive organic non-paid traffic to your evergreen sales funnel is through borrowed audiences, light collaborations, and affiliates. Now I'm gonna stop right here for a second and make a comment. So we've talked about the content marketing and we've talked also talked about free PR. So those two categories, content marketing. I just want you to know that's more of a long term type game plan. PR generally can be more long term. You might see some short term benefits in there too, but that can be a little bit more long term, but if you are just starting out and you want to grow your email list and drive traffic into your or funnel the fastest way possible.

Speaker 1 (05:06):

What I want you to do is focused on using borrowed audiences, but mostly collaborations with other business owners in your niche. Okay? So one of the best ways I have found to grow your email list fast and get traffic into your funnel is by participating in an industry bundle. And I feel so strongly about this, that I set up one of our brands called hobby school, and that brand is there to help digital product creators grow their audience through this model. And basically here's how it works. And there's different ways that you can set up these industry bundles. They can be free bundles for the end users, or they can be paid bundles where the people that are promoting them, not only get paid for promoting that bundle, they also get the leads from that bundle. So the, as an example, we are currently working on a bundle in hobby school.

Speaker 1 (06:21):

It's called mindful living. It's in the health and wellness industry and we've got out, I should say I haven't done it, but my virtual assistant did all of this for me. She went out and found experts in health and wellness industry and invited them to participate in this industry bundle. So they will donate a premium digital product to the bundle, every single one of 'em. So I think we have around 25 contributors. Now they will donate a digital product to the bundle. We'll package that up into an online course and then we'll market it. So we'll provide all the contributors, all of the marketing. So they'll get all of the email swipe files that they can customize. We'll do the sales page. We'll give 'em all this social media content, all the images, and they'll go out and promote that to their audience if they sell any, which I know they will.

Speaker 1 (07:26):

So once they say, say they sold 10 of them, they're gonna get a certain affiliate commission from the 10 that they sold. Now, the end user who purchases the digital bundle will go into that learning box or into that online course, they will sign up for the resources that they want. Okay. So when they go to sign up for that resource, they will sign up on the landing page for that particular expert. So they're getting on that experts, email list, we're all GDPR compliant, right? Cuz they're getting permission from them to get on their email list and they're delivering the digital product. So that's how they can grow their email list, but also get paid that affiliate commission the same time for selling the digital bundles. Okay. Now, so that is how that works. And I there's different types of businesses out here who do these bundles.

Speaker 1 (08:33):

If you are looking to find some of them, I have a blog post on hobby school that I will link into this show notes, just to give you a list of some other people who are working on these bundles. So you can find one in your industry and you know, look to participate in something like that. So speaking at a virtual summit is another way to collaborate and use shared audiences to grow your email list and drive traffic to your funnel. And I think this is a great way to get your name out there, to build your expertise to with other speakers. I highly highly recommend this virtual summit search. And I will put that link in here. I have my information up on that website and that's where a lot of people go and look for speakers in virtual summits. So the other thing I would say is that when you are ready to sell your online course, think about finding affiliates to promote your lead magnet.

Speaker 1 (09:47):

Let's just say it's a webinar that you've put together. Now you are gonna be responsible for all the marketing, right? So you'll give that affiliate the information so that people can sign up for your webinar. You'll do all of the follow up emails, but for anybody who purchases your online course through that funnel, you will give the affiliate a percentage of that cell for actually promoting you and putting you out there are in front of their audience. And then of course you can use other people's audiences like what I've done with offering my course and courses on app Sumo and my book funnel for my digital e-book that's on Amazon. I talk about those a little bit more in our previous episode. So there you go. These are the best organic non-paid traffic strategies for getting leads into your evergreen sales funnel. And I would love to know what is your favorite traffic strategy and how is it working for you? Go ahead and shoot me a DM or mess me on LinkedIn. I would love to hear from you. Bye for now. Bye.



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