5 Ways Virtual Events Will Scale Your Business

5 Ways Virtual Events Will Scale Your Business

Hosting a virtual event like a summit is one of the best ways to scale your business. If you want to grow your email list, activate your community, build relationships, and establish your leadership and authority, there’s no better way to engage than through the power of experience. 

And the best part is? It’s not as complicated as you might think, especially with the right tools in your back pocket.

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Let’s jump right into five ways virtual summits will scale your business:

Grow Your Email List

A good email list is made up of an engaged and growing audience.

With a virtual event like a summit, you can ask your summit presenters to invite their community to the event. Assuming you have 20 speakers and they each invite 100 people who attend your event, this will add around 2,000 of your ideal customers to your email list.

To attract your ideal customers, know why you want to grow your list. What are you selling? Who are you trying to attract? Specifically, what is your customer (or attendee) persona? The answers to these questions will help you create an event that your ideal customer will sign up to attend.

Warm Up Your Leads

Virtual events are one of the best ways to warm up your leads. Because you’re the face of your event, your attendees will see you at the front and center. This establishes your authority and builds trust quickly.

When you host a virtual event like a summit, you’re also in their inbox every day. They’re opening up your emails, watching your videos, and attending your event sessions.

When you’re ready to sell to them, they will be ready to buy.

Build Relationships and Increase Your Reach

Virtual events often involve recruiting speakers. And speakers mean cross-pollination.

Inviting speakers to your event gives you direct access to their audience. Sharing your audiences is the most efficient way to increase your reach.

Got a coaching business? Invite speakers in your niche! Not only do you attract new communities, you establish yourself as a connector and authority in your field.

One of my favorite things about the virtual event I host each year, the Scale Your Business Summit, are the relationships I make with each of the speakers. This networking and relationship building has led to additional collaboration opportunities all of which has helped me scale my business.

Build and Nurture Engagement

Whatever your business is, virtual events are instrumental to relationship building. Not just for that brand-customer communication, but also for networking between audience members. In other words, they are powerful community building tools. 

When your customer completes a course, for example, that’s often when their engagement ends. Don’t let that happen! Staying connected with your customers through a series of events, whether they’re held weekly, monthly, or quarterly, builds anticipation around your content and allows your community to flourish.

Generate Passive Streams of Income

This is something I’ll advise over and over: maximize and repurpose your content. If you’re a podcaster, blogger, or course creator, mention your event on your podcast/ blog/ course and your podcast/ blog/ course at your events!

Most virtual events don’t happen live: they’re pre-recorded or stay open for new registrations. Events that stay open are called evergreen summits, and they great lead generators, SEO, and revenue. Basically, they’re your best friends. 

Record that event and keep it open. It’ll forever be available as a passive stream of income after your initial launch date. 

In fact, I’ve evergreened the Scale Your Business Summit. This allows me to capitalize on all of the hard work I did on the event and generate revenue throughout the year even after the live event has closed.

The Low Down

In a nutshell, virtual events are incredible tools for bringing awareness to your business, activating your audience, converting your leads, collaborating with peers, and nurturing your customers.

If this is your first introduction into virtual event marketing, don’t stress. There are tools to help. HeySummit takes care of all the nuts and bolts that goes into running virtual events, so you have the time to concentrate on what’s important: scaling your business. 

Even a small team can host up to 10,000 attendees.. Seriously, don’t be afraid to think big.

Sign up for HeySummmit’s free trial below to see how you can skyrocket your business with virtual events.


This post is sponsored by HeySummit. Rob Gelb is the CEO of HeySummit. He loves tech, cool projects, and cheer-leading awesome people.

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