Blog Destini Copp Blog Destini Copp

13+ Free Tools to Help You Create Your Revenue Generating Online Course

You probably already know that creating an online course is a great way to add an additional revenue stream into your business. But did you know that there are free tools available in the market that you can use to create your revenue generating course that won’t cost you a dime?

In this post, I’m sharing seven tools to help you create your online course for free!

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Blog Destini Copp Blog Destini Copp

21+ Essential Tools for a Profitable Digital Product Business(2025 Guide)

"What tools should I use for my digital product business?"

After helping hundreds of entrepreneurs build successful digital product businesses, this is the question I hear most often. And it makes sense – with thousands of options available, choosing the wrong tools can cost you thousands in wasted time and money.

That's why I've put together this carefully curated list of tools that I've seen work time and time again for successful digital product creators. Each recommendation comes from real-world experience and proven results, either from my own business or from the hundreds of entrepreneurs I've helped guide to success.

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Blog Destini Copp Blog Destini Copp

5 Tools to Build the Perfect Evergreen Sales Funnel (so you can sell your online course without launching)

You need to sell your online course and perhaps you’ve tried a webinar or a 5-day challenge in the past, but the thought of constantly live launching makes you want to go crawl underneath a rock!

If you’re looking for ways to sell your online course without doing a live webinar, or showing up in a Facebook group every single day, then you’re in the right place!

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