Create an Evergreen Sales Funnel with an Authentic Deadline Using Deadline Funnel

Note: Some of these links below are affiliate links, which means I may get a commission if you try them and purchase. However, none of the fees have been increased to compensate me.

Live launches are an effective way to bring new customers into your business, boost your revenue, engage with affiliate partners in your niche and more.

But any entrepreneur who’s even done one launch knows they can be brutal.

The long hours. The stress. And the emails - Oh the emails!

Still, live launches work. That’s why business owners host them. Yet, there is one downside to a live launch: you can only earn money during a launch for a short period of time ( the “open cart” period). That’s the very nature of a live launch: it only lasts for a short while.

Depending on the type of live launch you’re doing (like a webinar or a 4-video product launch), it could last days or even weeks perhaps, but this is the one thing all launches share: an open cart date and a close cart date. It’s between these two dates that the product you’re selling during your live launch is available for purchase by your audience.

While your product - maybe it’s an online course, let’s say - is available for purchase, things are good. Cashflow into your business is at an all time high. You’re doing everything you can to drive sales: social media, affiliate promotions, live videos.

But when the cart closes, what happens? Sales drop. Well, not just drop. They stop.

If your cart’s not open anymore, your audience members can’t purchase your product. Full stop. So your cashflow (from that product) ceases.

For a while, it’s alright. You’ve got the reserve of revenue you just made from your launch! But as time goes on, that cash gets spent, and you find yourself in a similar position as you were before. So what do most business owners do? They start planning yet another launch!

This is sometimes referred to as the “live launch revenue roller coaster”. The ups and downs of live launching are hard in many ways, but particularly when it comes to sales. As business owners, we would much prefer to have a steady stream of revenue coming into our business on a weekly, or even daily, basis. You won’t be able to achieve that through a few launches a year.

Is there another way? A better way?


If you’re finding yourself caught up in the cycle of live launching, it’s time for you to go evergreen.

Live Launches Versus Evergreen Sales Funnels

Evergreen sales funnels differ from live launches in that they’re available to help you make sales year-round. You don’t need to do a live launch to make sales through an evergreen sales funnel.

It’s the difference between a live webinar and an autowebinar. One works when you’re launching it, and the other works on its own all the time. An evergreen sales funnel is a system built online that does the work of selling for you. What becomes your main job, then? You can now focus on driving leads and traffic to your funnel.

Evergreen sales funnels are the key to consistent, scalable income for an online business. However, there is one key component most business owners miss when it comes to building an effective, high-converting evergreen sales funnel:

You still need a deadline.

Why Deadlines Are So Effective

The reason live launches are so effective is because they provide the leads with a deadline by which they have to buy. It’s easy to implement a deadline in a live launch because that deadline is the same for everyone.

All you need to do is tell everyone when you’re closing your product’s cart, like Sunday night at 11:59pm eastern. That’s the final date and time anyone can purchase during your launch. After that, the launch is over and your product’s cart is closed.

In an evergreen sales funnel, it’s more difficult to offer a deadline since not everyone is going through the funnel at the same time. You might have someone enter your sales funnel on January 1st at 5pm and another on October 6th at 10am. How do you give both of your leads a deadline when they’re experiencing your funnel so far apart?

Is it possible to give all of your leads entering your evergreen sales funnel a deadline by which they have to purchase just like you would in a live launch?

Yes again!

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How You Can Create a Deadline in an Evergreen Sales Funnel

The key to creating deadlines within your evergreen sales funnels is to use Deadline Funnel.

Deadline Funnel is a software that works with your email autoresponder and sales funnel builder to track each lead going through your sales funnels. It will track your leads and, using countdown timers in your emails and on your funnel pages, will allow you to give every single one of your leads their own unique deadline to buy your product.

So it doesn’t matter when they enter your funnel; every lead has the same amount of time to decide to purchase or not. How much time? Well, that’s up to you! It could be 15 minutes (if you were selling a tripwire perhaps), or it could be several days (more likely in an autowebinar funnel).

Many sales funnel builders might have countdown timer widgets you can add to your pages, but none of them are truly ‘authentic’. Deadline Funnel, on the other hand, is authentic.

What this means is Deadline Funnel will actually lock your leads out of a page of your campaign (like the discount order form) when their deadline is expired. This is how you can keep your leads from accessing their limited-time offers after their unique deadline has passed.

All of this is easily set up inside the Deadline Funnel dashboard when you’re creating your campaign. Don’t worry; it’s easy to do. You don’t need to worry about being very tech-savvy. Deadline Funnel’s easy-to-use blueprints walk you through each step. Plus, Deadline Funnel integrates with most major email and funnel platforms like ActiveCampaign, ConvertKit, ClickFunnels and many, many more.

If you’re ready to get off the ‘live launch rollercoaster’ and start creating evergreen sales funnels, you’ll want to make sure Deadline Funnel is a part of your tech stack.

Jack Born with Deadline Funnel

This article is a guest post by Jack Born, Founder of and reflects his expertise. Jack Born creates software that helps entrepreneurs maximize their sales through marketing automation.


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