178: Secrets to Long-Term Membership Success with Limited Churn

Secrets to Long-Term Membership Success with Limited Churn

In today's episode, I am excited to welcome Becky Beach, a $1,000,000 digital product seller and coach at coachbeckybeach.com. Becky has made a significant mark in the digital product space with her innovative strategies and expert coaching, earning her features in prestigious publications like Business Insider and Forbes.

We'll dive into the world of memberships, exploring how Becky has built a successful membership site, her journey, and the secrets behind her impressive retention rates.

Becky's story is both inspiring and practical, offering a roadmap for anyone looking to create a sustainable and profitable online business. From her beginnings as a web developer to becoming a leading figure in the digital product industry, Becky's journey is filled with valuable insights and actionable tips.

We'll discuss the benefits of membership models, how to maintain consistent value for members, and the strategies Becky uses to keep her community engaged and thriving.

The Journey to a $1,000,000 Membership: Insights from Becky Beach

In the world of digital products and online entrepreneurship, Becky Beach stands out as a beacon of success and innovation. A $1,000,000 digital product seller and coach at coachbeckybeach.com, Becky's journey is both inspiring and practical, offering invaluable lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs. In this blog post, we'll explore Becky's path to success, her strategies for building a thriving membership model, and the practical tips she shares for maintaining high retention rates and growing organically.

From Web Developer to Digital Product Mogul

Becky's story begins with a desire for a better life. Working 60 hours a week as a web developer, she found herself unhappy and searching for an alternative way to make money. "I knew there had to be a better way out there to make money," Becky recalls. The turning point came when she started her blog while pregnant with her son. From these humble beginnings, Becky built a business that now earns multiple six figures annually and has sold over a million dollars' worth of digital products.

The Birth of the Business Beach Club

One of the cornerstones of Becky's success is her membership site, Business Beach Club. The idea for the membership came from a need for recurring income. "I was on a content hamster wheel," Becky explains. She needed a sustainable way to meet her sales goals without constantly creating new products. Thus, the Business Beach Club was born, offering members monthly digital products and courses on how to sell them. This model not only provided a steady income stream for Becky but also offered immense value to her members, helping them get started with their own digital product businesses.

Strategies for High Retention Rates

One of the most impressive aspects of Becky's membership is her high retention rate. With 45% of her members staying since the club's inception three years ago, Becky has mastered the art of keeping members engaged and satisfied. She attributes this success to providing consistent value and unique benefits. Quarterly $7 sales and bundles are a significant draw, as they allow members to sell their products and gain exposure through Becky's extensive email lists. Additionally, monthly challenges and rewards, such as one-on-one calls with Becky, help keep members motivated and engaged.

Organic Growth and Marketing

Growing a membership organically can be challenging, but Becky has developed effective strategies to attract new members without relying on paid advertising. "The key to having a membership and getting organic traffic is to just keep on blabbing about it," she says. Becky promotes her membership through her podcast, social media, and by creating short-form videos that highlight the benefits of her club. Her excitement and genuine belief in the value of her membership resonate with her audience, driving organic growth and new sign-ups.

Overcoming Challenges and Building a Support System

Consistency is crucial for maintaining a successful membership, and Becky emphasizes the importance of planning ahead. Early on, she created three months' worth of content in advance to ensure that her members always received value, even if she faced personal challenges. Hiring a full-time virtual assistant from Upwork also helped her manage the workload and maintain the quality of her offerings. Becky's transparency with her members about potential delays or issues further strengthened their trust and loyalty.

In addition to practical business strategies, Becky also addresses the personal challenges that many entrepreneurs face. She shares her experience with anxiety and depression, encouraging others not to let disabilities or personal struggles stand in the way of success. "If you also are disabled... don't let that stand in your way of success. You can get over it and become successful," she advises.

Innovative Ways to Attract and Retain Members

Becky continually seeks new and innovative ways to attract and retain members. One such method is offering scholarships for her membership, providing free access for a limited period. This strategy not only increases visibility but also allows potential members to experience the value of the club firsthand. Becky's willingness to experiment and adapt has been key to her continued growth and success.


Becky Beach's journey from a dissatisfied web developer to a million-dollar digital product seller and coach is a testament to the power of perseverance, innovation, and genuine passion. Her membership model, Business Beach Club, offers valuable lessons for anyone looking to create a sustainable and profitable online business. By focusing on consistent value, engaging marketing strategies, and a heartfelt approach to personal and professional challenges, Becky has built a thriving community that continues to grow and inspire. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or an established business owner, Becky's insights can help you navigate the path to success in the digital product space.

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Secrets to Long-Term Membership Success with Limited Churn


And my special guest today is Becky Beach. Becky is a $1,000,000 digital product seller and coach at coachbeckybeach.com. With her innovative strategies and expert coaching, Becky has not only carved a niche for herself, but has also been featured in prestigious publications like Business Insider and Forbes. And, Becky, I am super excited to chat with you today, and we're gonna be talking about all about memberships. And I know you have a successful membership, and I have a ton of questions for you. But before we get into all of those, can you tell the good audience just a little bit more about you and how you help people?

Becky Beach [00:00:46]:

Oh, sure. Thanks so much for for letting me be on today's show, Destini. I'm a really big fan of you, and I've been following your podcast for a while now. And, and the way I got started doing this was I was pregnant with my son, Brian. He's now 8 years old, going on 9 a few months. And I I just wanted a better way because I was, working working, like, 60 hours a week as a web developer, and and I was just very miserable. Like, I knew there had to be a better way out there to make money. You know, I couldn't just be under these people's thumb.

Becky Beach [00:01:14]:

Like, all the all these power tripping bosses, you know, that were having me feel bad. Like, I don't you can't make someone feel bad, but I you said they they kinda leave me to to feel bad. You know? So I was just crying and stuff, and I I just hated my life. You know? So I just decided to start a blog. And then from there, you know and I now earn, like, multiple 6 figures, and I've sold over a $1,000,000 worth of digital products, selling printable spreadsheets courses. You know?

Dr. Destini Copp [00:01:42]:

So let's jump into this. And I know one of your flagship products today is basically, you can predict basically, you can predict and, generally, you can predict how much money you're gonna be making every month. So that's one of the reasons why people like to start memberships, and they also like to start them for other reasons too. But tell me a little bit about why you started your membership, what drove you, and how did you even come up with the idea?

Becky Beach [00:02:15]:

Oh, sure, Destini. I I need a way to make reoccurring sales. I was on a content hamster wheel. It seemed every single month, I was having to create, like, a new course or a new product in order to get get my sales goal for that month. And I I said, gosh. I just need to do, like, something with recurring income. So I thought maybe I should create, like, a digital product membership that has courses in it and and also digital products delivered each month because I I I sell done for you digital products at PLR Beach, and it's like Canva templates you can repurpose as your own and sell. So I thought, why don't I add those to the membership for people that are interested in selling digital products? That way, they can get started right away, and they don't have to do things themselves.

Becky Beach [00:02:56]:

They can just get a monthly membership with these products and courses on how to sell them. So it just took off, and and now I call it Business Beach Club because at first, it was it was more geared it was more geared to people who want to sell on Etsy, but now it's like it's more generic.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:03:14]:

Well, tell me a little bit more about the products that you have. You've mentioned that they're digital products that people can

Becky Beach [00:03:27]:

or they and or they'll sell them on their own site because I have a Shopify store where I sell printables and other digital products myself. And I I'm able to make, like, 10,000 a month selling those products. So I thought maybe I should sell, done for you products so other people can sell them too on their stores and their Etsy. So that's how I started doing that because I got a lot of requests asking if I wouldn't be able to sell my printables that I was selling on my Shopify store with commercial use so other people could sell it too. So I thought I should just do that, you know, and so I made a separate store so they wouldn't be confused in a separate brand too for that.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:04:04]:

Now one of the things that people worry about, and it's I think it's a valid concern, right, when you have a membership are churn. Right? Because you work you do a ton of work to get people into your membership and, you know, and they may leave after 3 months or 4 months or whatever. But you have seemed to have mastered this because you have 45% of your members that have stayed in the membership since it started 3 years ago. So what is your secret here? And tell us all the goods because we wanna make sure that we can apply this to our own business.

Becky Beach [00:04:40]:

Oh, sure, Destini. I provide a lots of benefits for my members. The thing the the most popular thing my membership offers is I do a $7 sale and also, like, bundles too. Every quarter, there's either a sale or bundle. And a lot of the members have, reported getting, you know, the the money back from the membership and the sale because I promote the sale to my 3 email lists. Like, one email email list is personal use, and then those other 2 are business to business. Maybe one's business to customer and I have 2 business to business lists, so I promote them to all the lists because in the sale, you can either sell personal use products or you can sell commercial use, you know, PLR products in the sale. So I sell both of them in the sale and I promote this sale to all of my subscribers and all of my affiliates and the people in the sale promote it to all of their subscribers.

Becky Beach [00:05:30]:

And and every and then everybody comes together and everybody gets sales from this, $7 sale or even when I do a bundle. So this is a very popular draw to the membership, and a lot of people a lot of people will join the membership just to get involved in this sale because a lot of members have reported, like, so much success. And I also do monthly challenges. That's another good idea to get people in your membership is to do, like, challenges, and the reward could be like more products or maybe some time with you. So what I do is I do like monthly challenges and the reward is like a 30 minute 1 on 1 call with me. If they complete the challenge. So there's, like, a bunch of stuff you could do, and, and, like, these things have really helped my membership grow and be successful.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:06:10]:

I wanna go back to that $7, offer that you do. You said you do it once a quarter. Tell us a little bit more about that because I wanna make sure I understand exactly how you set this up.

Becky Beach [00:06:20]:

Oh, sure, Dusty. What I do is I have, like, a form, like a Google form. It's really simple to create your own Google form, and I send the Google form to all the members, I have it in their private Facebook group too, because I have a Facebook group community. That's also good. You should always have a community for your members. I'll put the sale in the Facebook group, and also I give it to the email, and also put it in their dashboard. So I create a dashboard in my membership. I use Thrivecart, you know, for for my membership.

Becky Beach [00:06:48]:

And then I put the sale in there, and then people sign up with their product, and they actually won't learn how to create their own sales page. I actually have a work shop where I show people how to make their own sales page and get a product up for sale even if they're a complete newbie, and that really helps, you know, people that are new to selling get involved in sale. So I I get a lot of new sellers, and then they'll they'll fill out the form with their product, and then I'll have my VA create the sales page. There's, like, one sales page. It's like a shopping mall where everybody has their product on it. And then I I take the sales page and I make it into the affiliate program. So I'm able to give it to affiliates to promote so that they they can get sales because they get sales if someone buys my product. Like, that's why the affiliates will promote it because they get sales if someone buys my products.

Becky Beach [00:07:31]:

And I'll put my product at the top. You know, that way people could, buy that and the affiliate will get sales. That's an incentive for the affiliate to promote it.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:07:39]:

So I wanna make sure I understand it. So, basically, your members will fill out this form and the they'll submit for their product to be in this it sounds like a pay bundle that you're putting together for $7. Is that correct?

Becky Beach [00:07:51]:

Oh, it's like a there's a bundle, and I do a, like, a shopping mall style where everybody has their product on there for $7, and then people individually go to each, link on there, and each product is $7 so that they go to the sales pages from this one sales page. So it's like a big shopping mall and each product on there is $7. You have to sign up individually for the products and pay $7 for each one.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:08:14]:

I gotcha. Okay. So that makes it more clear to me. So they fill out this form and this form, you know, the the put their product in there and that will get them on this, like, sales page where all of the $7 products are listed and people can go there and buy their product. And then, you know, your affiliates are also promoting that sales page that has all those individual products too on it.

Becky Beach [00:08:42]:

Oh, yeah. Yes. Yes. Correct. And then the the members get to keep a 100% of the sales they make. And I also do bundles too where everybody has their products in the bundle, and I charge a a fee for the bundle. So then when someone signs up to get the bundle and pays the fee, they get access to everybody's products in the bundle. I do it both ways because some members prefer a bundle because they're unable to get many sales in the $7 sale, especially if they sell personally used products, because personal used products just don't do as well in the $7 sale like PLR, commercial used products, tend to do because it's because the business of business people are mostly interested in it.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:09:19]:

So I I can see why that would be such a huge drive to keep those members in your membership. And I think you've done a a really good job there when you have, you know, 45% of your members have stayed in it since it started over 3 years ago. So that's a huge kudos to you because it sounds like you've kinda created a lot of different opportunities for your members. Let's switch gears just a little bit and talk about how you find your members organically, or how do people find you? And I know you do a lot of organic type marketing activities. Can you walk us through some of them?

Becky Beach [00:09:56]:

Oh, sure, Destini. I have my own podcast where I constantly promote the membership before and and after each episode. Even sometimes during it, I talk about my membership. Then the the key to having a membership and getting organic traffic from it in, in, like, in sign ups is to just keep on blabbing about it. Like, never show up about it. If you're excited about your membership, let it show. Like, I am so I'm getting goosebumps. I'm so excited about my membership because it has helped so many people.

Becky Beach [00:10:23]:

Like, a a bunch of people have made, like, multiple 1,000 of dollars each month since joining the membership, and they're able to quit their jab. And and one of my members earns, like, 8,000 a month, and she quit her jab. And and she's, like, getting increased amount of sales every single month, you know, using the tactics she's learned. And this membership is just so exciting to me because it because I know it works, and I put everything that I've learned, you know, over my 10 years of doing my online business into this membership. So you pay with one price, and you get all all the content. Because I used to spend, like, 20,000 $20,000 on courses, you know, to learn all this stuff, you know, and implement it, and I know what works and what doesn't. So just so excited about this membership, you know, and and if you're excited about this membership too, just keep talking about it and never stop. Like, post on social media.

Becky Beach [00:11:05]:

It'd be post, like, short form videos because because because short form videos tend to get a lot of reach, like Instagram reels, Instagram stories, TikTok videos, and and just talk about your membership, you know, in the videos. Just never show up about it. That's the key to getting growing organically. You just you just keep talking and talking about the membership, and I I could keep going on about it. I'll stop.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:11:24]:

Well, though, Becky, I was as you were going through that, I was laughing to myself because I was like, she just gave me a quote for social media. Just keep blabbing about it. But you're right. You just have to constantly talk about it and make sure that people are aware of what you're offering and how you can help them. And I think you're doing a great job doing that. So one of the problems I would say that or might keep people from starting a membership is they might be concerned about, you know, can I be consistent with everything that I have to create for the membership? Because with the membership, right, you're, for most of them, you're creating content on a regular basis that's why your members stay. Obviously, there's other things you can do to keep them to stay, which we talked about here. But how do you be consistent or how are you consistent, I should say, with delivering digital products and making sure that you are giving your members what what you've promised each month?

Becky Beach [00:12:26]:

That's a great question. Everybody needs to know about this. Well, I have hired a VA that helps me. Before, I was doing everything myself, and I would, create 3 months worth of products ahead of time because what if I get sick? Because, like, back when I started the membership, COVID was really going around strong, strong and people were getting sick, you know? So I thought if I were to get this, like, what am I gonna do so I I would create 3 months ahead of content? And I then I hired a full time VA once once membership started bringing lots of income, and I met her on upwork.com. And now she works for me, only she's off of Upwork. And, and that we work exclusively exclusively together. She's full time and she helps me create the content and the membership like the the done for you digital products that you receive. And then, I mostly create the courses for the membership because I was, like, releasing 1 course a month to the membership, but, but but now I've kind of relaxed doing that.

Becky Beach [00:13:20]:

Like, now I I release a course every quarter or so, and the membership is already so much. There's probably over 20 courses in it right now. So you just gotta be consistent, you know, to just create, like, 3 months worth of products, you know, and always have 3 months of products at all times in case you get sick or need to go on vacation. And be upfront with your members, like, let them know, like, what if you you have to take, you know, some time off because you're sick? You know, just be upfront and transparent. Like, don't just leave them hanging like they're expecting content, and that could make them leave like that because they're expecting content and you're not delivering. So, of course, they're gonna leave like I would.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:13:54]:

Yeah. I think that's a good point. And I I think, you know, I loved how you mentioned in the beginning, you were doing all this yourself. And then once you had built up your membership, you actually was able to hire somebody off of Upwork. And I've I love Upwork. I've used it, a lot in my business also. Becky, before we wrap it up here, any last minute tips for the audience that you would like to communicate?

Becky Beach [00:14:21]:

Oh, sure. Well, like, a great way to I recently grew a membership that was kind of a unique way was I offered, like, like, a, like, a scholarship for the membership. So I I would, I I'd let everybody sign up to the form to get to enroll in the scholarship where they get, like, a free, you know, month of the membership. I think it was like like a free quarter of the membership in my case, and you can even do like a free year your membership for some people that sign up and then it gets eyeballs on the membership. So people that never really checked out my membership before were looking at it because I was giving away a free, you know, quarter or or year of the membership. So I got a lot of people signing up for this scholarship, and I ended up picking, like, 3 people. Then after I ended the scholarship, 15 people signed up.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:15:06]:

I think that's a really good tip is think about different and innovative ways that you can promote it and talk about your offer that are a little bit unique and kind of, you know, out there that'll get those eyeballs on it. Now when you and I were talking before we started recording, you mentioned that you wanted to make sure that people know that they could do it even if have some challenges in their life to get over. Can you talk a little bit about more about that? Because I think that's important for the audience to hear.

Becky Beach [00:15:38]:

Oh, yes, Destini. Well, I suffer from a disability. It's actually like anxiety disorder and depression, so I I suffered from that since I was 18, and I used to let that stand in my way to be successful. And I would say, oh, I can't do this because I'm disabled. I have anxiety, like, socially social anxiety disorder. It's hard for me to be around too many people. Like, I start getting, like, really stressed out. And I and I would make that stand I'll have that stand in my way of success, but then I was like, you know, I can't let this control my life.

Becky Beach [00:16:09]:

I have to get out there and meet others even if I'm battling this disability. So I started getting on medication, you know, and going to therapy, and it's really helped me. And I just don't let that stand in my way of success. And now I earn multiple 6 figures a year, and I've earned, like, over $1,000,000 worth of a $1,000,000 of digital products I've earned. And I just don't let this stand in my way. And if you also are disabled too, like it could be a physical or mental disability, like don't let that stand in your way of success. You know, you can you can get over it and become successful. Don't let it, you know, control you.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:16:43]:

And I'm so glad that you brought that up. And I just want everybody out there to know, and I know you do too, that there don't let things like that get in your way. You can do this. You can keep going. You can make a business out of this and selling these digital products. Becky, can you let folks know where they can find you, learn more about your membership? I'm definitely gonna check it out here. And, also, I believe you have a free gift for them also.

Becky Beach [00:17:09]:

Oh, yes. My membership is businessbeachclub.com. So just go to businessbeachclub.com to check it out, and the free gift is one of the courses in the membership, so you get, like, a taste. And it's called 4 Facebook Secrets for Sellers and this course shows you 4 4 secrets that you could use on Facebook to sell your products and get leads without running any ads. And you can get to this, free course by going to beckybeach.co. That's dotco /dcfree. So beckybeach.co/dcfree to pick it up.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:17:46]:

And we'll make sure that all of those links, for that free gift and also for your membership and for your website are in the show notes so people can find you. And, Becky, thank you so much for joining me. I loved our conversation and hearing a little bit more about your story and some of the innovative things that you've done in your membership.

Becky Beach [00:18:09]:

Oh, thanks. This has been amazing. I appreciate it.


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