Why Nobody's Buying Your $497 Course (It's Not The Price)
Have you ever wondered why some online courses seem to sell effortlessly at $997 while others struggle at $97? The psychology behind pricing is fascinating – and mastering it can transform your digital product sales.
How to Find the Sweet Spot for Pricing Your Online Course
The #1 question I am asked: How should I price my online course. I get it. Pricing your online course is HARD! Even for the Fortune 10 firms.
You don’t want to overprice because you believe this would keep potential students from enrolling. On the other hand, you want to be sure to charge what your online course is worth.
10 Mistakes to Avoid When Pricing your Online Course or Membership
When working with my clients on pricing their online programs, I find that we tend to undervalue our services. It’s also an area that course creators make a lot of mistakes in which can be detrimental to their success. If you’re having difficulty pricing your online program, then you’re not alone. Pricing your online course can be one of the hardest decisions to make.
Here are the mistakes to avoid when pricing your online program: