168: Why NOW is the Right Time to Up Level Your Digital Product Business

168: Why NOW is the Right Time to Up Level Your Digital Product Business

Welcome to today’s episode where I'm diving into why summertime is the perfect time to take your digital product business to the next level. I'll talk about the reasons why the summer is your golden opportunity to supercharge your business, engage with your audience, and set the stage for a successful fall.

Plus, I'll chat about how coaching can help you make the most of this crucial season. So, grab your favorite beverage or take your dog on a quick walk, and get ready to make this summer the turning point for your business!

Mentioned In This Episode:

Why Summertime is Prime for Upleveling Your Digital Product Business

As we inch closer to summer here in Georgia, I’m taken aback by how quickly the season has approached. It’s already May 8th, and my kids are just a couple of weeks away from ending their school year. One is stepping up to high school, and the other advancing to the 10th grade. Alongside their academic transitions, we have a summer packed with travel baseball, online classes, and they're even starting summer jobs, thankfully preventing days spent sleeping until noon and playing video games endlessly.

But let’s pivot from my family’s summer plans to something that likely concerns you—your business plans for the summer. Typically, I use this season to catch up and push forward with my business ventures. Despite a busy year hosting four major events in HobbyScool and launching the Funnel Cure bundle under my personal brand, I’ve learned that summer is the best time to intensively focus on business growth. If you're waiting until August to do so, you’re already behind. Here's why:

1. Preparing for the Fall's Spending Surge

The fall season is a critical time in the digital marketplace, marked by back-to-school preparations and early holiday shopping. It's a period rife with product launches, online summits, and bundles. This year, the dynamics might even be more intense with numerous countries conducting presidential elections around the same time, especially here in the U.S. in November. Utilizing the summer to prepare ensures you can launch into fall with new offers, sharpened marketing strategies, and rejuvenated content.

2. Fewer Distractions, More Opportunities

Summer often means a slowdown in operations for many businesses, but not for you. This lull in the competitive landscape is your chance to innovate and strategize without the usual market noise, increasing your visibility and allowing you to test new ideas.

3. Increased Engagement

With more people relaxing and scrolling through their devices during vacations, summer can amplify your online engagement. This is an opportune time to introduce new offers or increase your social media interaction, catching eyes that might skip over your content during busier times of the year.

4. A Season for Creativity

For me, a less hectic life equates to heightened creativity. Summer provides the perfect backdrop to brainstorm and develop new digital products like courses, ebooks, or webinars without the immediate pressure of sales targets.

5. Time for Growth and Strategy

Summer is not only ideal for personal relaxation but also for professional enhancement. Engaging with a coach, digesting new podcast episodes, and exploring online courses can significantly sharpen your skills and refine your business vision.

6. Mid-Year Strategic Adjustments

Use this midpoint in the year to evaluate and adjust your business strategies. Whether it’s strengthening successful tactics or pivoting away from ineffective ones, summer offers the perfect timing for thoughtful reflection and strategic planning.

7. Leveraging Seasonal Themes

Finally, implementing a summer-themed marketing campaign can provide a substantial boost. These campaigns resonate deeply with the seasonal mindset of your audience, often leading to increased interest and sales.

How a Coach Can Elevate Your Summer Business Strategy

Hiring a coach during this critical period can transform your summer efforts into substantial gains for your business. A coach offers customized strategy development, increased accountability, resource management, and refined marketing techniques. More so, they provide a reliable sounding board for overcoming business challenges, expanding your professional network, and fostering personal growth.

This summer, consider what you aim to achieve and how a coach could help fast-track those results. If you want to take your digital product business to the next level, remember: the right time to prepare for success is always now. Let’s make this summer the turning point for your business.

I'm currently offering 15-minute strategy sessions where you can ask me any pressing questions about your business or challenges you're facing. Don't hesitate to reach out—I'd love to help you envision and execute a summer of significant growth. Schedule yours here.

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168: Why NOW is the Right Time to Up Level Your Digital Product Business


Dr. Destini Copp [00:00:00]:

Hi there. Destini here. And here in Georgia, we are getting close to summertime, and I honestly don't know how it snuck up on me so fast. I am recording this on Wednesday, May 8th, and my kids only have around 2 more weeks of school. I have one that is graduating from middle school and going into high school next year, and then I have a 9th grader who's gonna be graduating and going to in 10th grade. And we have such a busy summer planned with travel baseball. My kids are taking one online class this summer just to get a little bit ahead next year, and they also wanna get summer jobs, which I am absolutely thrilled about because, otherwise, they would be sleeping until noon or playing video games all day. But enough about them.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:00:51]:

I really want to know what you have planned for the summer, and I also wanna talk about why now is the right time to level up your digital product business. I know that for me, I typically use my summertime to get caught up. It has been such a busy year this year. We ran 4 events in hobby school. I did one event in my personal brand, which was the funnel cure bundle, and I don't feel like I've had a ton of time to just breathe. But what I've learned over the years is that summertime is the best time to focus on your business. And the truth is that waiting until August to do all of the things that you wanna do is just too late, and here is why. So in the fall, you're gonna see a spike in spending, especially around the back to school time and kind of the pre holiday seasons.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:01:55]:

So like August when people are going back to school all the way until, you know, October, maybe even the end of October. You know that that's gonna be a very busy time in the online world. People are gonna be launching their new programs. There's gonna be a ton of summits and bundle launches. And I know that this year, in particular, will be a little bit crazy because I have heard that a large percentage of countries out there are having their presidential elections this year. So for us in the US, that's gonna take place in November, and I know a a lot of people are gonna wanna get ahead of that madness. So working on your business during the summer prepares you to capitalize on these opportunities with new offers, dialed in marketing strategies, and refreshed content so that when the fall comes, you can hit the ground running. The other thing is there are less distractions in the summer.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:02:59]:

So when your competitors might slow down a little bit in the summer or even take breaks, When you stay active, that gives you more quiet time to test new ideas and strategies. That also means that there's less noise in the market, but there's gonna be more visibility for you. The other thing is there's also increased engagement in the summer. So when more people are on vacation, they're spending time online, Summertime can lead to that higher visibility. Right? More people are reading your email. How many times have you been sitting at a pool or on vacation when you're just scrolling through your email or scrolling through Instagram, just taking in that content? This is also a great time for launching a new offer or engaging with your audience on social media. The other thing is summertime is a great time for being creative. I know that when my life isn't so crazy, I am much more creative.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:04:07]:

And it feels like it's easier for me to be innovative and come up with new ideas. So summertime is a great time to brainstorm, develop new products, maybe like a course or a membership you've been thinking of, without that immediate pressure of high volume of sales. The other thing is summertime is a really great time for personal and professional growth. So working with a coach, listening to podcasts, going through online course material, all of that not only enhances your skills, but also helps you put together a strategic vision for your business, which brings me to the next one, which is strategic planning and goal setting. So midyear, kind of that midpoint, is a great point in time to review your annual goals and make any necessary adjustments. So this might involve shifting some of your strategies. It might involve doubling down on what's working. I know we're gonna be doing some of that.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:05:17]:

Or even pivoting away from what's not working. So summertime provides that time to reflect on all of these and really plan accordingly so you can, you know, hit your goals for the end of the year. The other thing is summertime's a really great time to run a summer themed campaign for any extra boost of sales. I know that I'm gonna be working with people in my summer coaching program to help put together this summer themed campaign, And creating and launching products or marketing around those campaigns and themes can really resonate well with people because that's in that's the mindset that they're in. Right? They know that it's summertime, and they're like, yeah. I'm I'm open for a summer a summer theme marketing campaign. So I've given you a lot of reasons about why now is the right time to level up your digital product business, but I want to specifically talk about how a coach could help you work on these areas to really effectively maximize your time this summer and fast track your results. So the first is putting together a customized strategy.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:06:35]:

So a coach can help you tailor and put together this customized business strategies that aligns with your business unique goals and resources. So a coach is gonna bring together that fresh perspective that can help you identify gaps in your current strategies and really suggest some innovative solutions that you might not have thought of. So with their experience, they can guide you on the best practices to implement that will really, you know, drive your results come to the fall. I know that when I first start working with my clients, the one of the first things that we do is to set their goals and put together that customized strategy so they can achieve them. So without having this, you're really just throwing spaghetti on the wall hoping to achieve your desired results. The next one is being, or having, I should say, that accountability and motivation. So one of the biggest advantages of working with a coach is really quite frankly just having somebody that's going to hold you accountable. It can be easy to set goals, but consistently following through them can be challenging, especially during the summer months.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:07:57]:

You know, sometimes I just wanna go sit out by my pool. Right? But I have things that I need to do, and I have a coach that I personally work with, so I know that she's gonna hold me accountable. So a coach is gonna help you stay on track. They're gonna push you to meet the deadlines, and but most importantly, they're gonna encourage you when your motivation dips, and that's going to happen, my friend. So every week in my coaching program, I help my clients outline their goals for the week, and then at end of the week, we take the opportunity to celebrate their wins. The other thing that a coach can help you do is identify the most effective use of your resources and maximize your time, which is what you want to happen, right, in the summertime. So they can assist you in prioritizing any tax tasks that you need to work on. They can help you maximize your productivity.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:08:57]:

They can suggest tools and techniques for automating or outsourcing any tasks that might be a little bit less critical, which really frees you up to focus on those high impact activities. I know that in my coaching program, I help steer people away from those shiny objects. You know, we all kinda get distracted by them so they can really focus on what will really move the needle forward. The other thing that a coach can help you with is refining your marketing strategy. So when you are in the thick of things, it is sometimes hard to see what you should do. But a coach can help clarify those things for you. I know that in my program, we clearly outline your promotional calendar and your marketing campaign so you're focused on exactly what you need to be focused on. I also offer a weekly marketing audience audit so you can get your campaign material reviewed, whether that's, you know, your sales page, any funnels that you're working on, emails that you're working on, really any marketing material, you can get an audit on that, and I can give you feedback on that.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:10:14]:

The other thing that a coach can help you is overcoming challenges. Because let's face it, we're all going to have obstacles that come up. Right? And a coach can help you navigate through those. So they can offer those problem solving techniques, but also just be a sounding board for you. Right? If you have ideas or if you have specific issues or questions. And really, let's face it. Sometimes you just need somebody to talk to. I know in my coaching program, you can get unlimited coaching through Voxer.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:10:50]:

So if you have a question at 10 PM on a Friday night, you can submit it before you forget about it, and I will answer when I return to work on Monday. But you can do that at any time. The other thing that a coach can help you with is expanding your network or put you point you in the right direction for visibility opportunities. So these connections can definitely lead to new partnerships, avenues for growth, really things that you might not have been able to find on your own. And I place a strong emphasis on visibility and expanding that network and just getting out there because I think it's so very critical. The next one is related to skill enhancement and personal growth. So coaches not only support your business objectives, but they focus on your personal development, also help you through any mindset challenges that you have. So they're gonna identify skills where you might need to improve, recommend resources, but also just mentor you through these challenges that might be affecting your performance or your business performance.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:12:06]:

And then I would say beyond immediate strategies, another thing that a coach can help you do is plan and help you plan for the long term to ensure that your business is sustainable. So this means to me, what this means is setting up scalable systems and processes that support continued growth in your business. So in my coaching program, my goal is to help you generate that consistent revenue from your digital product business and also set up the systems that you are going to need to achieve this. So there you go. I would love to know what is the absolute one thing that you would want to achieve this summer to level up your business and prepare you for the fall. And I am currently offering 15 minute strategy sessions where you can ask me one thing about your business or something that you've been struggling with. So, really, it's an ask me anything, and I'd love to chat with you and learn more about you and your digital product business or your future digital product business if you don't have digital products in your business right now. But the thing I want you to remember is the right time to prepare for success is now.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:13:27]:

So I wanna help you make this summer the turning point for your business, but thank you so much for tuning in. I'm gonna put the link for setting up that 15 minute strategy call in the show notes. So definitely check that out if you'd like to, connect with me. And, again, I'd love to know more about you and your business, and I'd love to work with you and help you achieve your dreams this summer with my 1 on 1 coaching program. Bye for now.


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